Displaying 2341 – 2360 of 3052

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Sommes de Dedekind elliptiques et formes de Jacobi

Abdelmejid Bayad (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

À partir des formes de Jacobi D L ( z , ϕ ) , on construit une somme de Dedekind elliptique. On obtient ainsi un analogue elliptique aux sommes multiples de Dedekind construites à partir des fonctions cotangentes, étudiées par D. Zagier. En outre, on établit une loi de réciprocité satisfaite par ces nouvelles sommes. Par une procédure de limite, on peut retrouver la loi de réciprocité remplie par les sommes multiples de Dedekind classiques. D’autre part, en les spécialisant en des paramètres de points de 2- division,...

Spaces associated to quadratic endofunctors of the category of groups.

Hans-Joachim Baues, Teimuraz Pirashvili (2005)

Extracta Mathematicae

Square groups are gadgets classifying quadratic endofunctors of the category of groups. Applying such a functor to the Kan simplicial loop group of the 2-dimensional sphere, one obtains a one-connected three-type. We consider the problem of characterization of those three-types X which can be obtained in this way. We solve this problem in some cases, including the case when π2(X) is a finitely generated abelian group. The corresponding stable problem is solved completely.

Spaces of polynomials with roots of bounded multiplicity

M. Guest, A. Kozlowski, K. Yamaguchi (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We describe an alternative approach to some results of Vassiliev ([Va1]) on spaces of polynomials, by applying the "scanning method" used by Segal ([Se2]) in his investigation of spaces of rational functions. We explain how these two approaches are related by the Smale-Hirsch Principle or the h-Principle of Gromov. We obtain several generalizations, which may be of interest in their own right.

Spaces with fibered approximation property in dimension n

Taras Banakh, Vesko Valov (2010)

Open Mathematics

A metric space M is said to have the fibered approximation property in dimension n (briefly, M ∈ FAP(n)) if for any ɛ > 0, m ≥ 0 and any map g: 𝕀 m × 𝕀 n → M there exists a map g′: 𝕀 m × 𝕀 n → M such that g′ is ɛ-homotopic to g and dim g′ (z × 𝕀 n) ≤ n for all z ∈ 𝕀 m. The class of spaces having the FAP(n)-property is investigated in this paper. The main theorems are applied to obtain generalizations of some results due to Uspenskij [11] and Tuncali-Valov [10].

Currently displaying 2341 – 2360 of 3052