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Embedding proper homotopy types

M. Cárdenas, T. Fernández, F. F. Lasheras, A. Quintero (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We show that the proper homotopy type of any properly c-connected locally finite n-dimensional CW-complex is represented by a closed polyhedron in 2 n - c (Theorem I). The case n - c ≥ 3 is a special case of a general proper homotopy embedding theorem (Theorem II). For n - c ≤ 2 we need some basic properties of “proper” algebraic topology which are summarized in Appendices A and B. The results of this paper are the proper analogues of classical results by Stallings [17] and Wall [20] for finite CW-complexes;...

Epsilon Nielsen coincidence theory

Marcio Fenille (2014)

Open Mathematics

We construct an epsilon coincidence theory which generalizes, in some aspect, the epsilon fixed point theory proposed by Robert Brown in 2006. Given two maps f, g: X → Y from a well-behaved topological space into a metric space, we define µ ∈(f, g) to be the minimum number of coincidence points of any maps f 1 and g 1 such that f 1 is ∈ 1-homotopic to f, g 1 is ∈ 2-homotopic to g and ∈ 1 + ∈ 2 < ∈. We prove that if Y is a closed Riemannian manifold, then it is possible to attain µ ∈(f, g) moving...

Equalizers and coactions of groups

Martin Arkowitz, Mauricio Gutierrez (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

If f:G → H is a group homomorphism and p,q are the projections from the free product G*H onto its factors G and H respectively, let the group f G * H be the equalizer of fp and q:G*H → H. Then p restricts to an epimorphism p f = p | f : f G . A right inverse (section) G f of p f is called a coaction on G. In this paper we study f and the sections of p f . We consider the following topics: the structure of f as a free product, the restrictions on G resulting from the existence of a coaction, maps of coactions and the resulting...

Equilibria in a class of games and topological results implying their existence.

R.S. Simon, S. Spiez, H. Torunczyk (2008)


We survey results related to the problem of the existence of equilibria in some classes of infinitely repeated two-person games of incomplete information on one side, first considered by Aumann, Maschler and Stearns. We generalize this setting to a broader one of principal-agent problems. We also discuss topological results needed, presenting them dually (using cohomology in place of homology) and more systematically than in our earlier papers.

Equivalence bimodule between non-commutative tori

Sei-Qwon Oh, Chun-Gil Park (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The non-commutative torus C * ( n , ω ) is realized as the C * -algebra of sections of a locally trivial C * -algebra bundle over S ω ^ with fibres isomorphic to C * ( n / S ω , ω 1 ) for a totally skew multiplier ω 1 on n / S ω . D. Poguntke [9] proved that A ω is stably isomorphic to C ( S ω ^ ) C * ( n / S ω , ω 1 ) C ( S ω ^ ) A ϕ M k l ( ) for a simple non-commutative torus A ϕ and an integer k l . It is well-known that a stable isomorphism of two separable C * -algebras is equivalent to the existence of equivalence bimodule between them. We construct an A ω - C ( S ω ^ ) A ϕ -equivalence bimodule.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 134