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Characteristic zero loop space homology for certain two-cones

Calin Popescu (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Given a principal ideal domain R of characteristic zero, containing 1/2, and a two-cone X of appropriate connectedness and dimension, we present a sufficient algebraic condition, in terms of Adams-Hilton models, for the Hopf algebra F H ( Ω X ; R ) to be isomorphic with the universal enveloping algebra of some R -free graded Lie algebra; as usual, F stands for free part, H for homology, and Ω for the Moore loop space functor.

Chen–Ruan Cohomology of 1 , n and ¯ 1 , n

Nicola Pagani (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this work we compute the Chen–Ruan cohomology of the moduli spaces of smooth and stable n -pointed curves of genus 1 . In the first part of the paper we study and describe stack theoretically the twisted sectors of 1 , n and ¯ 1 , n . In the second part, we study the orbifold intersection theory of ¯ 1 , n . We suggest a definition for an orbifold tautological ring in genus 1 , which is a subring of both the Chen–Ruan cohomology and of the stringy Chow ring.

Chern classes of vector bundles with singular connections

Guiseppe De Cecco (1982)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si fa vedere che alcune classi di Chern di fibrati vettoriali complessi possono essere costruite non solo partendo da connessioni C ma, sotto certe condizioni, anche da connessioni lineari singolari. Nel caso particolare del fibrato tangente possono essere costruite anche a partire da metriche singolari. Viene fatto uso in modo essenziale della L 2 -coomologia di de Rham (introdotta da Cheeger e Teleman).

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