Displaying 841 – 860 of 3052

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Explicit cogenerators for the homotopy category of projective modules over a ring

Amnon Neeman (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let R be a ring. In two previous articles [12, 14] we studied the homotopy category 𝐊 ( R - Proj ) of projective R -modules. We produced a set of generators for this category, proved that the category is 1 -compactly generated for any ring R , and showed that it need not always be compactly generated, but is for sufficiently nice R . We furthermore analyzed the inclusion j ! : 𝐊 ( R - Proj ) 𝐊 ( R - Flat ) and the orthogonal subcategory 𝒮 = 𝐊 ( R - Proj ) . And we even showed that the inclusion 𝒮 𝐊 ( R - Flat ) has a right adjoint; this forces some natural map to be an equivalence...

Exploring W.G. Dwyer's tame homotopy theory.

Hans Scheerer, Daniel Tanré (1991)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let Sr be the category of r-reduced simplicial sets, r ≥ 3; let Lr-1 be the category of (r-1)-reduced differential graded Lie algebras over Z. According to the fundamental work [3] of W.G. Dwyer both categories are endowed with closed model category structures such that the associated tame homotopy category of Sr is equivalent to the associated homotopy category of Lr-1. Here we embark on a study of this equivalence and its implications. In particular, we show how to compute homology, cohomology,...

Extension theory of infinite symmetric products

Jerzy Dydak (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We present an approach to cohomological dimension theory based on infinite symmetric products and on the general theory of dimension called the extension dimension. The notion of the extension dimension ext-dim(X) was introduced by A. N. Dranishnikov [9] in the context of compact spaces and CW complexes. This paper investigates extension types of infinite symmetric products SP(L). One of the main ideas of the paper is to treat ext-dim(X) ≤ SP(L) as the fundamental concept of cohomological dimension...

Currently displaying 841 – 860 of 3052