Displaying 81 – 100 of 400

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On finite groups acting on acyclic complexes of dimension two.

Carles Casacuberta, Warren Dicks (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We conjecture that every finite group G acting on a contractible CW-complex X of dimension 2 has at least one fixed point. We prove this in the case where G is solvable, and under this additional hypothesis, the result holds for X acyclic.

On G -disconnected injective models

Marek Golasiński (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let G be a finite group. It was observed by L.S. Scull that the original definition of the equivariant minimality in the G -connected case is incorrect because of an error concerning algebraic properties. In the G -disconnected case the orbit category 𝒪 ( G ) was originally replaced by the category 𝒪 ( G , X ) with one object for each component of each fixed point simplicial subsets X H of a G -simplicial set X , for all subgroups H G . We redefine the equivariant minimality and redevelop some results on the rational homotopy...

On genera of polyhedra

Yuriy Drozd, Petro Kolesnyk (2012)

Open Mathematics

We consider the stable homotopy category S of polyhedra (finite cell complexes). We say that two polyhedra X,Y are in the same genus and write X ∼ Y if X p ≅ Y p for all prime p, where X p denotes the image of Xin the localized category S p. We prove that it is equivalent to the stable isomorphism X∨B 0 ≅Y∨B 0, where B 0 is the wedge of all spheres S n such that π nS(X) is infinite. We also prove that a stable isomorphism X ∨ X ≅ Y ∨ X implies a stable isomorphism X ≅ Y.

On H ˇ n -bubbles in n-dimensional compacta

Umed Karimov, Dušan Repovš (1998)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A topological space X is called an H ˇ n -bubble (n is a natural number, H ˇ n is Čech cohomology with integer coefficients) if its n-dimensional cohomology H ˇ n ( X ) is nontrivial and the n-dimensional cohomology of every proper subspace is trivial. The main results of our paper are: (1) Any compact metrizable H ˇ n -bubble is locally connected; (2) There exists a 2-dimensional 2-acyclic compact metrizable ANR which does not contain any H ˇ 2 -bubbles; and (3) Every n-acyclic finite-dimensional L H ˇ n -trivial metrizable compactum...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 400