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The geometric genus of hypersurface singularities

András Némethi, Baldur Sigurdsson (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Using the path lattice cohomology we provide a conceptual topological characterization of the geometric genus for certain complex normal surface singularities with rational homology sphere links, which is uniformly valid for all superisolated and Newton non-degenerate hypersurface singularities.

The Hochschild cohomology of a closed manifold

Yves Felix, Jean-Claude Thomas, Micheline Vigué-Poirrier (2004)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

Let M be a closed orientable manifold of dimension dand 𝒞 * ( M ) be the usual cochain algebra on M with coefficients in a fieldk. The Hochschild cohomology of M, H H * ( 𝒞 * ( M ) ; 𝒞 * ( M ) ) is a graded commutative and associative algebra. The augmentation map ε : 𝒞 * ( M ) 𝑘 induces a morphism of algebras I : H H * ( 𝒞 * ( M ) ; 𝒞 * ( M ) ) H H * ( 𝒞 * ( M ) ; 𝑘 ) . In this paper we produce a chain model for the morphism I. We show that the kernel of I is a nilpotent ideal and that the image of I is contained in the center of H H * ( 𝒞 * ( M ) ; 𝑘 ) , which is in general quite small. The algebra H H * ( 𝒞 * ( M ) ; 𝒞 * ( M ) ) is expected to be isomorphic...

Topos based homology theory

M. V. Mielke (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we extend the Eilenberg-Steenrod axiomatic description of a homology theory from the category of topological spaces to an arbitrary category and, in particular, to a topos. Implicit in this extension is an extension of the notions of homotopy and excision. A general discussion of such homotopy and excision structures on a category is given along with several examples including the interval based homotopies and, for toposes, the excisions represented by “cutting out” subobjects. The...

Torsion in graph homology

Laure Helme-Guizon, Józef H. Przytycki, Yongwu Rong (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Khovanov homology for knots has generated a flurry of activity in the topology community. This paper studies the Khovanov type cohomology for graphs with a special attention to torsion. When the underlying algebra is ℤ[x]/(x²), we determine precisely those graphs whose cohomology contains torsion. For a large class of algebras, we show that torsion often occurs. Our investigation of torsion led to other related general results. Our computation could potentially be used to predict the Khovanov-Rozansky...

Torsion in one-term distributive homology

Alissa S. Crans, Józef H. Przytycki, Krzysztof K. Putyra (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The one-term distributive homology was introduced in [Prz] as an atomic replacement of rack and quandle homology, which was first introduced and developed by Fenn-Rourke-Sanderson [FRS] and Carter-Kamada-Saito [CKS]. This homology was initially suspected to be torsion-free [Prz], but we show in this paper that the one-term homology of a finite spindle may have torsion. We carefully analyze spindles of block decomposition of type (n,1) and introduce various techniques to compute their homology precisely....

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