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The Gray filtration on phantom maps

Lê Minh Hà, Jeffrey Strom (2001)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

This paper is a study of the Gray index of phantom maps. We give a new, tower theoretic, definition of the Gray index, which allows us to study the naturality properties of the Gray index in some detail. McGibbon and Roitberg have shown that if f* is surjective on rational cohomology, then the induced map on phantom sets is also surjective. We show that if f* is surjective just in dimension k, then f induces a surjection on a certain subquotient of the phantom set. If the condition...

The Group of Large Diffeomorphisms in General Relativity

Domenico Giulini (1997)

Banach Center Publications

We investigate the mapping class groups of diffeomorphisms fixing a frame at a point for general classes of 3-manifolds. These groups form the equivalent to the groups of large gauge transformations in Yang-Mills theories. They are also isomorphic to the fundamental groups of the spaces of 3-metrics modulo diffeomorphisms, which are the analogues in General Relativity to gauge-orbit spaces in gauge theories.

There Are No Essential Phantom Mappings from 1-dimensional CW-complexes

Sibe Mardešić (2013)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

A phantom mapping h from a space Z to a space Y is a mapping whose restrictions to compact subsets are homotopic to constant mappings. If the mapping h is not homotopic to a constant mapping, one speaks of an essential phantom mapping. The definition of (essential) phantom pairs of mappings is analogous. In the study of phantom mappings (phantom pairs of mappings), of primary interest is the case when Z and Y are CW-complexes. In a previous paper it was shown that there are no essential phantom...

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