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Brownian motion with respect to time-changing riemannian metrics, applications to Ricci flow

Koléhè A. Coulibaly-Pasquier (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We generalize brownian motion on a riemannian manifold to the case of a family of metrics which depends on time. Such questions are natural for equations like the heat equation with respect to time dependent laplacians (inhomogeneous diffusions). In this paper we are in particular interested in the Ricci flow which provides an intrinsic family of time dependent metrics. We give a notion of parallel transport along this brownian motion, and establish a generalization of the Dohrn–Guerra or damped...

BRS-transformations in a finite dimensional setting

Kraus, Margareta (1997)

Proceedings of the 16th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Summary: In order to get a mathematical understanding of the BRS-transformation and the Slavnov-Taylor identities, we treat them in a finite dimensional setting. We show that in this setting the BRS-transformation is a vector field on a certain supermanifold. The connection to the BRS-complex will be established. Finally we treat the generating functional and the Slavnov-Taylor identity in this setting.

Bubbling along boundary geodesics near the second critical exponent

Manuel del Pino, Monica Musso, Frank Pacard (2010)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

The role of the second critical exponent p = ( n + 1 ) / ( n - 3 ) , the Sobolev critical exponent in one dimension less, is investigated for the classical Lane–Emden–Fowler problem Δ u + u p = 0 , u > 0 under zero Dirichlet boundary conditions, in a domain Ω in n with bounded, smooth boundary. Given Γ , a geodesic of the boundary with negative inner normal curvature we find that for p = ( n + 1 ) / ( n - 3 - ε ) , there exists a solution u ε such that | u ε | 2 converges weakly to a Dirac measure on Γ as ε 0 + , provided that Γ is nondegenerate in the sense of second variations of...

Bundle functors with the point property which admit prolongation of connections

W. M. Mikulski (2010)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let F:ℳ f →ℱℳ be a bundle functor with the point property F(pt) = pt, where pt is a one-point manifold. We prove that F is product preserving if and only if for any m and n there is an m , n -canonical construction D of general connections D(Γ) on Fp:FY → FM from general connections Γ on fibred manifolds p:Y → M.

BV solutions and viscosity approximations of rate-independent systems

Alexander Mielke, Riccarda Rossi, Giuseppe Savaré (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In the nonconvex case, solutions of rate-independent systems may develop jumps as a function of time. To model such jumps, we adopt the philosophy that rate-independence should be considered as limit of systems with smaller and smaller viscosity. For the finite-dimensional case we study the vanishing-viscosity limit of doubly nonlinear equations given in terms of a differentiable energy functional and a dissipation potential that is a viscous regularization of a given rate-independent dissipation...

BV solutions and viscosity approximations of rate-independent systems∗

Alexander Mielke, Riccarda Rossi, Giuseppe Savaré (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In the nonconvex case, solutions of rate-independent systems may develop jumps as a function of time. To model such jumps, we adopt the philosophy that rate-independence should be considered as limit of systems with smaller and smaller viscosity. For the finite-dimensional case we study the vanishing-viscosity limit of doubly nonlinear equations given in terms of a differentiable energy functional and a dissipation potential that is a viscous regularization...

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