A note on bisexual Galton-Watson branching processes with immigration.
We give a universal discrimination procedure for determining if a sample point drawn from an ergodic and stationary simple point process on the line with finite intensity comes from a homogeneous Poisson process with an unknown parameter. Presented with the sample on the interval the discrimination procedure , which is a function of the finite subsets of , will almost surely eventually stabilize on either POISSON or NOTPOISSON with the first alternative occurring if and only if the process is...
The paper deals with the optimal inspections and maintenance problem with costly information for a Markov process with positive discount factor. The associated dynamic programming equation is a quasi-variational inequality with first order differential terms. In this paper we study its different formulations: strong, visousity and evolutionary. The case of impulsive control of purely jump Markov processes is studied as a special case.
We consider integral representations of Feller probability kernels from a Tikhonov space X into a Hausdorff space Y by continuous functions from X into Y. From the existence of such a representation for every kernel it follows that the space X has to be 0-dimensional. Moreover, both types of representations coincide in the metrizable case when in addition X is compact and Y is complete. It is also proved that the representation of a single kernel is equivalent to the existence of some non-direct...