Displaying 121 – 140 of 273

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Mean mutual information and symmetry breaking for finite random fields

J. Buzzi, L. Zambotti (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

G. Edelman, O. Sporns and G. Tononi have introduced the neural complexity of a family of random variables, defining it as a specific average of mutual information over subfamilies. We show that their choice of weights satisfies two natural properties, namely invariance under permutations and additivity, and we call any functional satisfying these two properties an intricacy. We classify all intricacies in terms of probability laws on the unit interval and study the growth rate of maximal intricacies...

Mixture decompositions of exponential families using a decomposition of their sample spaces

Guido F. Montúfar (2013)


We study the problem of finding the smallest m such that every element of an exponential family can be written as a mixture of m elements of another exponential family. We propose an approach based on coverings and packings of the face lattice of the corresponding convex support polytopes and results from coding theory. We show that m = q N - 1 is the smallest number for which any distribution of N q ...

Multiplicative free square of the free Poisson measure and examples of free symmetrization

Melanie Hinz, Wojciech Młotkowski (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We compute the moments and free cumulants of the measure ρ t : = π t π t , where π t denotes the free Poisson law with parameter t > 0. We also compute free cumulants of the symmetrization of ρ t . Finally, we introduce the free symmetrization of a probability measure on ℝ and provide some examples.

Odd cutsets and the hard-core model on d

Ron Peled, Wojciech Samotij (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider the hard-core lattice gas model on d and investigate its phase structure in high dimensions. We prove that when the intensity parameter exceeds C d - 1 / 3 ( log d ) 2 , the model exhibits multiple hard-core measures, thus improving the previous bound of C d - 1 / 4 ( log d ) 3 / 4 given by Galvin and Kahn. At the heart of our approach lies the study of a certain class of edge cutsets in d , the so-called odd cutsets, that appear naturally as the boundary between different phases in the hard-core model. We provide a refined combinatorial...

On a sphere of influence graph in a one-dimensional space

Zbigniew Palka, Monika Sperling (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A sphere of influence graph generated by a finite population of generated points on the real line by a Poisson process is considered. We determine the expected number and variance of societies formed by population of n points in a one-dimensional space.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 273