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Survival analysis on data streams: Analyzing temporal events in dynamically changing environments

Ammar Shaker, Eyke Hüllermeier (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper, we introduce a method for survival analysis on data streams. Survival analysis (also known as event history analysis) is an established statistical method for the study of temporal “events” or, more specifically, questions regarding the temporal distribution of the occurrence of events and their dependence on covariates of the data sources. To make this method applicable in the setting of data streams, we propose an adaptive variant of a model that is closely related to the well-known...

Survival analysis with coarsely observed covariates.

Soren Feodor Nielsen (2003)


In this paper we consider analysis of survival data with incomplete covariate information. We model the incomplete covariates as a random coarsening of the complete covariate, and an overview of the theory of coarsening at random is given. Various ways of estimating the parameters of the model for the survival data given the covariates are discussed and compared.

Symmetric models for lifetimes: the role of exchangeable equivalence relations

Anna Gerardi, Barbara Torti (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

A model of a heterogeneous population partitioned into a finite number of classes according an exchangeable equivalence relation is studied. With this motivation the properties of exchangeable equivalence relations are investigated and, in particular, the structure of its equivalence classes is characterized.

Symmetries of random discrete copulas

Arturo Erdely, José M. González–Barrios, Roger B. Nelsen (2008)


In this paper we analyze some properties of the discrete copulas in terms of permutations. We observe the connection between discrete copulas and the empirical copulas, and then we analyze a statistic that indicates when the discrete copula is symmetric and obtain its main statistical properties under independence. The results obtained are useful in designing a nonparametric test for symmetry of copulas.

Synthesis of membership functions to determine a radius of influence.

Vicenç Torra (1995)

Mathware and Soft Computing

In this work we study the synthesis of membership functions when they have been calculated from a set of observations according to the definition of (Zhang, 1993). The results obtained have been used to determine the radius of influence of a tramp for Podarcis lilfordi (a kind of saurians) in the island of Cabrera (Balearic Islands). The measure of this radius was used in a later work to estimate the density of these saurians in the island.

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