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O dětech, čápech a kauzalitě

Jiří Dvořák (2017)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Lidová moudrost v mnoha zemích světa spojuje přirozený přírůstek obyvatelstva s výskytem čápů. V našich podmínkách jde o čápa bílého (lat. Ciconia ciconia) a tradiční formulace zní čápi nosí děti. Se vší úctou k moudrosti našich předků nemůžeme takové tvrzení přijmout jako fakt, aniž bychom takovou vazbu potvrdili experimentálně či statistickou analýzou dostupných údajů. Právě to bude obsahem tohoto článku - provedeme analýzu počtu hnízdících párů čápů v 17 evropských zemích ve vztahu k porodnosti....

Objective Bayesian point and region estimation in location-scale models.

José M. Bernardo (2007)


Point and region estimation may both be described as specific decision problems. In point estimation, the action space is the set of possible values of the quantity on interest; in region estimation, the action space is the set of its possible credible regions. Foundations dictate that the solution to these decision problems must depend on both the utility function and the prior distribution. Estimators intended for general use should surely be invariant under one-to-one transformations, and this...

On a characterization of symmetric balanced incomplete block designs

R.N. Mohan, Sanpei Kageyama, M.M. Nair (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

All the symmetric balanced incomplete block (SBIB) designs have been characterized and a new generalized expression on parameters of SBIB designs has been obtained. The parameter b has been formulated in a different way which is denoted by bi, i = 1, 2, 3, associating with the types of the SBIB design Di. The parameters of all the designs obtained through this representation have been tabulated while corresponding them with the suitable formulae for the number ofblocks bi and the expression Si for...

On a class of estimators in a multivariate RCA(1) model

Zuzana Prášková, Pavel Vaněček (2011)


This work deals with a multivariate random coefficient autoregressive model (RCA) of the first order. A class of modified least-squares estimators of the parameters of the model, originally proposed by Schick for univariate first-order RCA models, is studied under more general conditions. Asymptotic behavior of such estimators is explored, and a lower bound for the asymptotic variance matrix of the estimator of the mean of random coefficient is established. Finite sample properties are demonstrated...

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