Displaying 161 – 180 of 219

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Stable hypothesis for mixed models with balanced cross-nesting

Dário Ferreira, João Tiago Mexia, Sandra Saraiva Ferreira (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Stable hypothesis are hypothesis that may refer either for the fixed part or for the random part of the model. We will consider such hypothesis for models with balanced cross-nesting. Generalized F tests will be derived. It will be shown how to use Monte-Carlo methods to evaluate p-values for those tests.

Statistical choice of non-separated one-parameter models.

José Tiago de Oliveira (1985)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

The purpose of this paper is to study the asymptotic choice between two models {F(x|α), α ∈ A ⊆ R} and {G(x|β), β ∈ B ⊆ R}, A and B being intervals but such that for (α0, β0}, and only for this pair, we have F(x|α0) = G(x|β0).

Statistical Inference about the Drift Parameter in Stochastic Processes

David Stibůrek (2013)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

In statistical inference on the drift parameter a in the Wiener process with a constant drift Y t = a t + W t there is a large number of options how to do it. We may, for example, base this inference on the properties of the standard normal distribution applied to the differences between the observed values of the process at discrete times. Although such methods are very simple, it turns out that more appropriate is to use the sequential methods. For the hypotheses testing about the drift parameter it is more...

Sumas acumuladas conjuntas. Tablas.

Carlos Polo Miranda, Montserrat Pepió Viñals (1990)


Las Tablas de la Longitud de Ráfaga Media (LRM) para los Gráficos de Control por Sumas Acumuladas (SUMAC) sólo se habían deducido para el control de la media de un proceso distribuido normalmente, si bien también puede salir fuera de control por la variabilidad. Este trabajo describe cómo seleccionar los parámetros de un esquema SUMAC, para la media y desviación tipo muestrales, según la situación bajo control especificada conjuntamente por la media m0 y la desviación tipo σ0, y el estado fuera...

Tables for a statistical quality control test

František Rublík, Marta Bognárová (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

Critical constants for a test of the hypothesis that the mean μ and the standard deviation σ of the normal N ( μ , σ 2 ) population satisfy the constrains μ + c σ M , μ - c σ m , are presented. In this setup m < M are prescribed tolerance limits and c > 0 in a chosen constant.

Test for exponentiality against Weibull and gamma decreasing hazard rate alternatives

Simos G. Meintanis (2007)


A sub-exponential Weibull random variable may be expressed as a quotient of a unit exponential to an independent strictly positive stable random variable. Based on this property, we propose a test for exponentiality which is consistent against Weibull and Gamma distributions with shape parameter less than unity. A comparison with other procedures is also included.

Testing a homogeneity of stochastic processes

Jaromír Antoch, Daniela Jarušková (2007)


The paper concentrates on modeling the data that can be described by a homogeneous or non-homogeneous Poisson process. The goal is to decide whether the intensity of the process is constant or not. In technical practice, e.g., it means to decide whether the reliability of the system remains the same or if it is improving or deteriorating. We assume two situations. First, when only the counts of events are known and, second, when the times between the events are available. Several statistical tests...

Testing a tolerance hypothesis by means of an information distance

František Rublík (1990)

Aplikace matematiky

In the paper a test of the hypothesis μ + c σ M , μ - c σ m on parameters of the normal distribution is presented, and explicit formulas for critical regions are derived for finite sample sizes. Asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic is investigated under the assumption, that the true distribution possesses the fourth moment.

Testing on the first-order autoregressive model with contaminated exponential white noise finite sample case

Hocine Fellag (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

The testing problem on the first-order autoregressive parameter in finite sample case is considered. The innovations are distributed according to the exponential distribution. The aim of this paper is to study how much the size of this test changes when, at some time k, an innovation outlier contaminant occurs. We show that the test is rather sensitive to these changes.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 219