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Improving both domain and total area estimation by composition.

Alex Costa, Albert Satorra, Eva Ventura (2004)


In this article we propose small area estimators for both the small and large area parameters. When the objective is to estimate parameters at both levels, optimality is achieved by a sample design that combines fixed and proportional allocation. In such a design, one fraction of the sample is distributed proportionally among the small areas and the rest is evenly distributed. Simulation is used to assess the performance of the direct estimator and two composite small area estimators, for a range...

Improving small area estimation by combining surveys: new perspectives in regional statistics.

Alex Costa, Albert Satorra, Eva Ventura (2006)


A national survey designed for estimating a specific population quantity is sometimes used for estimation of this quantity also for a small area, such as a province. Budget constraints do not allow a greater sample size for the small area, and so other means of improving estimation have to be devised. We investigate such methods and assess them by a Monte Carlo study. We explore how a complementary survey can be exploited in small area estimation. We use the context of the Spanish Labour Force Survey...

Inference on the location parameter of exponential populations

Maria de Fátima Brilhante, Sandra Mendonça, Dinis Duarte Pestana, Maria Luísa Rocha (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Studentization and analysis of variance are simple in Gaussian families because X̅ and S² are independent random variables. We exploit the independence of the spacings in exponential populations with location λ and scale δ to develop simple ways of dealing with inference on the location parameter, namely by developing an analysis of scale in the homocedastic independent k-sample problem.

Interval estimation in two way nested unbalanced random model.

R. C. Jain, J. Singh, R. Agrawal (1991)

Trabajos de Estadística

The present paper deals with interval estimation of variance components in two way nested unbalanced random model. Employing a suitable transformation a statistic has been developed and its distribution is well approximated by chi-square. The confidence intervals for variance components and the simultaneous confidence interval for their ratios have been derived.

Inverting covariance matrices

Czesław Stępniak (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Some useful tools in modelling linear experiments with general multi-way classification of the random effects and some convenient forms of the covariance matrix and its inverse are presented. Moreover, the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula is applied for inverting the covariance matrix in such experiments.

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