Displaying 41 – 60 of 174

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Measuring criteria weights by means of Dimension Theory.

Daniel Gómez, Javier Montero de Juan, Javier Yáñez Gestoso (2006)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Measuring criteria weights in multicriteria decision making is a key issue in order to amalgamate information when reality is being described from several different points of view. In this paper we propose a method for evaluating those weights taking advantage of Dimension Theory, which allows the representation of the set of alternatives within a real space, provided that decision maker preferences satisfy certain consistency conditions. Such a representation allows a first information about possible...

Measuring the problem-relevant information in input

Stefan Dobrev, Rastislav Královič, Dana Pardubská (2009)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We propose a new way of characterizing the complexity of online problems. Instead of measuring the degradation of the output quality caused by the ignorance of the future we choose to quantify the amount of additional global information needed for an online algorithm to solve the problem optimally. In our model, the algorithm cooperates with an oracle that can see the whole input. We define the advice complexity of the problem to be the minimal number of bits (normalized per input request, and...

Mechanical analogy of statement networks

Wojciech Cholewa (2008)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper demonstrates briefly the reasoning capabilities in condition monitoring offered by systems based on statement networks. The usefulness of the networks considered results among others from possibilities of their optimization related to the minimization of contradictions between rules acquired from different knowledge sources. A mechanical analogy of such networks introduces an interpretation of statements as material points that are able to move. Dependencies between statements are considered...

Medical image – based computational model of pulsatile flow in saccular aneurisms

Stéphanie Salmon, Marc Thiriet, Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Saccular aneurisms, swelling of a blood vessel, are investigated in order (i) to estimate the development risk of the wall lesion, before and after intravascular treatment, assuming that the pressure is the major factor, and (ii) to better plan medical interventions. Numerical simulations, using the finite element method, are performed in three-dimensional aneurisms. Computational meshes are derived from medical imaging data to take into account both between-subject and within-subject anatomical...

Medical image – based computational model of pulsatile flow in saccular aneurisms

Stéphanie Salmon, Marc Thiriet, Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Saccular aneurisms, swelling of a blood vessel, are investigated in order (i) to estimate the development risk of the wall lesion, before and after intravascular treatment, assuming that the pressure is the major factor, and (ii) to better plan medical interventions. Numerical simulations, using the finite element method, are performed in three-dimensional aneurisms. Computational meshes are derived from medical imaging data to take into account both between-subject and within-subject anatomical...

Metadata Editing and Validation for a Digital Mathematics Library

Filej, Miha, Růžička, Michal, Šárfy, Martin, Sojka, Petr (2010)

Towards a Digital Mathematics Library. Paris, France, July 7-8th, 2010

For preparing and validating metadata for the Digital Mathematics Library DML-CZ, a new tool, the Metadata Editor, has been developed. This paper outlines the procedures for Linguistic and geographical localizations its components. Also mentioned are such aspects as dynamic generation of form editing based on the XML Schema, the validation procedures as well as support for semiautomatic procedures regarding quality assurance.

Meta-optimization of bio-inspired algorithms for antenna array design

Virgilio Zúñiga-Grajeda, Alberto Coronado-Mendoza, Kelly Joel Gurubel-Tun (2018)


In this article, a technique called Meta-Optimization is used to enhance the effectiveness of bio-inspired algorithms that solve antenna array synthesis problems. This technique consists on a second optimization layer that finds the best behavioral parameters for a given algorithm, which allows to achieve better results. Bio-inspired computational methods are useful to solve complex multidimensional problems such as the design of antenna arrays. However, their performance depends heavily on the...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 174