Automates boustrophedon, semi-groupe de Birget et monoïde inversif libre
Le point fixe d’une substitution injective uniforme de module sur un alphabet est examiné du point de vue du nombre de ses blocs distincts de longueur . Lorsque est minimal et de cardinal deux, nous construisons un automate pour la suite .
Dans quelle mesure la régularité des chiffres d’un nombre réel dans une base entière, celle des quotients partiels du développement en fraction continuée d’un nombre réel, ou celle des coefficients d’une série formelle sont-elles liées à l’algébricité ou à la transcendance de ce réel ou de cette série formelle ? Nous proposons un survol de résultats récents dans le cas où la régularité évoquée ci-dessus est celle de suites automatiques, substitutives, ou sturmiennes.
Soit une suite strictement croissante d’entiers reconnaissable par un automate fini. Nous montrons qu’une condition nécessaire et suffisante pour que l’ensemble normal associé a soit exactement est que l’un au moins des sommets qui reconnaît la suite soit précédé dans le graphe de l’automate par un sommet possédant au moins deux circuits fermés distincts. Cette condition peut se traduire quantitativement en disant que la suite doit être plus “dense” que toute suite exponentielle.
Automatic differentiation is an effective method for evaluating derivatives of function, which is defined by a formula or a program. Program for evaluating of value of function is by automatic differentiation modified to program, which also evaluates values of derivatives. Computed values are exact up to computer precision and their evaluation is very quick. In this article, we describe a program realization of automatic differentiation. This implementation is prepared in the system UFO, but its...
Automatic differentiation (AD) has proven its interest in many fields of applied mathematics, but it is still not widely used. Furthermore, existing numerical methods have been developed under the hypotheses that computing program derivatives is not affordable for real size problems. Exact derivatives have therefore been avoided, or replaced by approximations computed by divided differences. The hypotheses is no longer true due to the maturity of AD added to the quick evolution of machine capacity....
Automatic differentiation (AD) has proven its interest in many fields of applied mathematics, but it is still not widely used. Furthermore, existing numerical methods have been developed under the hypotheses that computing program derivatives is not affordable for real size problems. Exact derivatives have therefore been avoided, or replaced by approximations computed by divided differences. The hypotheses is no longer true due to the maturity of AD added to the quick evolution of machine capacity....
False friends are pairs of words in two languages that are perceived as similar but have different meanings. We present an improved algorithm for acquiring false friends from sentence-level aligned parallel corpus based on statistical observations of words occurrences and co-occurrences in the parallel sentences. The results are compared with an entirely semantic measure for cross-lingual similarity between words based on using the Web as a corpus through analyzing the words’ local contexts extracted...