Color-texture-based image retrieval system using Gaussian Markov random field model.
This paper presents a migration strategy for a set of mobile agents (MAs) in order to satisfy customers' requests in a transport network, through a multimodal information system. In this context, we propose an optimization solution which operates on two levels. The first one aims to constitute a set of MAs building their routes, called Workplans. At this level, Workplans must incorporate all nodes, representing information providers in the multimodal network, in order to explore it completely....
Nous établissons quelques propriétés des mots sturmiens et classifions, ensuite, les mots infinis qui possèdent, pour tout entier naturel non nul n, exactement n+2 facteurs de longueur n. Nous définissons également la notion d'insertion k à k sur les mots infinis puis nous calculons la complexité des mots obtenus en appliquant cette notion aux mots sturmiens. Enfin nous étudions l'équilibre et la palindromie d'une classe particulière de mots de complexité n+2 que nous appelons mots quasi-sturmiens...
We study some arithmetical and combinatorial properties of β-integers for β being the larger root of the equation x2 = mx - n,m,n ∈ ℵ, m ≥ n +2 ≥ 3. We determine with the accuracy of ± 1 the maximal number of β-fractional positions, which may arise as a result of addition of two β-integers. For the infinite word uβ> coding distances between the consecutive β-integers, we determine precisely also the balance. The word uβ> is the only fixed point of the morphism A → Am-1B and B → Am-n-1B. In...
The aim of this article is to study certain combinatorial properties of infinite binary and ternary words associated to cut-and-project sequences. We consider here the cut-and-project scheme in two dimensions with general orientation of the projecting subspaces. We prove that a cut-and-project sequence arising in such a setting has always either two or three types of distances between adjacent points. A cut-and-project sequence thus determines in a natural way a symbolic sequence (infinite word)...
Prototype Selection (PS) techniques have traditionally been applied prior to Nearest Neighbour (NN) classification rules both to improve its accuracy (editing) and to alleviate its computational burden (condensing). Methods based on selecting/discarding prototypes and methods based on adapting prototypes have been separately introduced to deal with this problem. Different approaches to this problem are considered in this paper and their main advantages and drawbacks are pointed out along with some...
This paper presents the approach that we developed to solve the ROADEF 2003 challenge problem. This work is part of a research program whose aim is to study the benefits and the computer-aided generation of hybrid solutions that mix constraint programming and meta-heuristics, such as large neighborhood search (LNS). This paper focuses on three contributions that were obtained during this project: an improved method for propagating Hamiltonian chain constraints, a fresh look at limited discrepancy...
An important task of knowledge discovery deals with discovering association rules. This very general model has been widely studied and efficient algorithms have been proposed. But most of the time, only frequent rules are seeked. Here we propose to consider this problem as a multi-objective combinatorial optimization problem in order to be able to also find non frequent but interesting rules. As the search space may be very large, a discussion about different approaches is proposed and a hybrid...