Displaying 1501 – 1520 of 4973

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Depth Lower Bounds for Monotone Semi-Unbounded Fan-in Circuits

Jan Johannsen (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The depth hierarchy results for monotone circuits of Raz and McKenzie [5] are extended to the case of monotone circuits of semi-unbounded fan-in. It follows that the inclusions NCi ⊆ SACi ⊆ ACi are proper in the monotone setting, for every i ≥ 1.

Des explications pour reconnaître et exploiter les structures cachées d’un problème combinatoire

Hadrien Cambazard, Narendra Jussien (2006)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

L’identification de structures propres à un problème est souvent une étape clef pour la conception d’heuristiques de recherche comme pour la compréhension de la complexité du problème. De nombreuses approches en Recherche Opérationnelle emploient des stratégies de relaxation ou de décomposition dès lors que certaines struc- tures idoines ont été identifiées. L’étape suivante est la conception d’algorithmes de résolution qui puissent intégrer à la volée, pendant la résolution, ce type d’information....

Des explications pour reconnaître et exploiter les structures cachées d'un problème combinatoire

Hadrien Cambazard, Narendra Jussien (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research

L'identification de structures propres à un problème est souvent une étape clef pour la conception d'heuristiques de recherche comme pour la compréhension de la complexité du problème. De nombreuses approches en Recherche Opérationnelle emploient des stratégies de relaxation ou de décomposition dès lors que certaines struc- tures idoines ont été identifiées. L'étape suivante est la conception d'algorithmes de résolution qui puissent intégrer à la volée, pendant la résolution, ce type d'information....

Design of a neuro-sliding mode controller for interconnected quadrotor UAVs carrying a suspended payload

Özhan Bingöl, Haci Mehmet Güzey (2023)


In this study, a generalized system model is derived for interconnected quadrotor UAVs carrying a suspended payload. Moreover, a novel neural network-based sliding mode controller (NSMC) for the system is suggested. While the proposed controller uses the advantages of the robust structure of sliding mode controller (SMC) for the nonlinear system, the neural network component eliminates the chattering effects in the control signals of the SMC and increases the efficiency of the SMC against time-varying...

Design of a Participatory Decision Making Agent Architecture Based on Argumentation and Influence Function – Application to a Serious Game about Biodiversity Conservation

Alessandro Sordoni, Jean-Pierre Briot, Isabelle Alvarez, Eurico Vasconcelos, Marta de Azevedo Irving, Gustavo Melo (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

This paper addresses an ongoing experience in the design of an artificial agent taking decisions and combining them with the decisions taken by human agents. The context is a serious game research project, aimed at computer-based support for participatory management of protected areas (and more specifically national parks) in order to promote biodiversity conservation and social inclusion. Its objective is to help various stakeholders (e.g., environmentalist, tourism operator) to collectively understand...

Design of a rule-driven architecture for a generic T-norm.

Enrique Frías, Julio Gutiérrez, Felipe Fernández (2000)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Rule-Driven processing has been proved as a way of achieving high speed in fuzzy hardware. Up to now, rule-driven architectures were designed to work with minimum or product as T-norm. This paper proposes two new rule-driven models designed for any T-norm (programmable T-norm) and any kind of membership function. The first one gives a valid theory for rule-driven processing with programmable T-norm and establishes the background for the second model. The second model has been designed taking into...

Design of mealy finite-state machines with the transformation of object codes

Alexander Barkalov, Alexander Barkalov (2005)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

An optimization method of the logic circuit of a Mealy finite-state machine is proposed. It is based on the transformation of object codes. The objects of the Mealy FSM are internal states and sets of microoperations. The main idea is to express the states as some functions of sets of microoperations (internal states) and tags. The application of this method is connected with the use of a special code converter in the logic circuit of an FSM. An example of application is given. The effectiveness...

Design of the state predictive model following control system with time-delay

Dazhong Wang, Shujing Wu, Shigenori Okubo (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Time-delay systems exist in many engineering fields such as transportation systems, communication systems, process engineering and, more recently, networked control systems. It usually results in unsatisfactory performance and is frequently a source of instability, so the control of time-delay systems is practically important. In this paper, a design of the state predictive model following control system (PMFCS) with time-delay is discussed. The bounded property of the internal states for the control...

Designing a Semantic Ground Truth for Mathematical Formulae

Sexton, Alan, Sorge, Volker, Suzuki, Masakazu (2010)

Towards a Digital Mathematics Library. Paris, France, July 7-8th, 2010

We report on a new project to design a semantic ground truth set for mathematical document analysis. The ground truth set will be generated by annotating recognised mathematical symbols with respect to both their global meaning in the context of the considered documents and their local function within the particular mathematical formula they occur. The aim of our work is to have a reliable database available for semantic classification during the formula recognition process with the aim of enabling...

Currently displaying 1501 – 1520 of 4973