Displaying 741 – 760 of 884

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An SQP method for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints with strong convergence properties

Matus Benko, Helmut Gfrerer (2016)


We propose an SQP algorithm for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints which solves at each iteration a quadratic program with linear complementarity constraints. We demonstrate how strongly M-stationary solutions of this quadratic program can be obtained by an active set method without using enumeration techniques. We show that all limit points of the sequence of iterates generated by our SQP method are at least M-stationary.

An SQP trust region method for solving the discrete-time linear quadratic control problem

El-Sayed M.E. Mostafa (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper, a sequential quadratic programming method combined with a trust region globalization strategy is analyzed and studied for solving a certain nonlinear constrained optimization problem with matrix variables. The optimization problem is derived from the infinite-horizon linear quadratic control problem for discrete-time systems when a complete set of state variables is not available. Moreover, a parametrization approach is introduced that does not require starting a feasible solution...

An unbounded Berge's minimum theorem with applications to discounted Markov decision processes

Raúl Montes-de-Oca, Enrique Lemus-Rodríguez (2012)


This paper deals with a certain class of unbounded optimization problems. The optimization problems taken into account depend on a parameter. Firstly, there are established conditions which permit to guarantee the continuity with respect to the parameter of the minimum of the optimization problems under consideration, and the upper semicontinuity of the multifunction which applies each parameter into its set of minimizers. Besides, with the additional condition of uniqueness of the minimizer, its...

Análisis de sensibilidad de las soluciones del problema lineal múltiple ordenado.

Francisco Ramón Fernández García, Justo Puerto Albandoz (1992)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

Partiendo del problema de programación lineal multiobjetivo bajo incertidumbre y definiendo la utilidad de una decisión factible x, como el k-ésimo valor ordenado del vector (c1x, c2x, ..., cpx), estudiamos en este trabajo el problema múltiple planteado en el caso de un conocimiento incompleto de los objetivos, así como la sensibilidad de una solución óptima en relación con dicho conocimiento parcial.

Análisis interactivo de las soluciones del problema lineal múltiple ordenado.

Eduardo Conde Sánchez, Francisco Ramón Fernández García, Justo Puerto Albandoz (1994)


En este trabajo se estudian procedimientos para la elección entre las soluciones eficientes del Problema de Programación Lineal con Objetivos Múltiples, cuando el decisor manifiesta preferencias sobre ciertas ordenaciones de las valoraciones de las funciones objetivo, utilizándose como criterio de valoración global funciones basadas en el k-ésimo valor del vector de los objetivos ordenado en cada punto.Se desarrollan procedimientos para generar ordenaciones compatibles con la información del decisor....

Analyse de récession et résultats de stabilité d’une convergence variationnelle, application à la théorie de la dualité en programmation mathématique

Driss Mentagui (2003)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Soit X un espace de Banach de dual topologique X ' . 𝒞 X (resp. 𝒞 X ' ) désigne l’ensemble des parties non vides convexes fermées de X (resp. w * -fermées de X ' ) muni de la topologie de la convergence uniforme sur les bornés des fonctions distances. Cette topologie se réduit à celle de la métrique de Hausdorff sur les convexes fermés bornés [16] et admet en général une représentation en terme de cette dernière [11]. De plus, la métrique qui lui est associée s’est révélée très adéquate pour l’étude quantitative...

Analyse de récession et résultats de stabilité d'une convergence variationnelle, application à la théorie de la dualité en programmation mathématique

Driss Mentagui (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Let X be a Banach space and X' its continuous dual. C(X) (resp. C(X')) denotes the set of nonempty convex closed subsets of X (resp. ω*-closed subsets of X') endowed with the topology of uniform convergence of distance functions on bounded sets. This topology reduces to the Hausdorff metric topology on the closed and bounded convex sets [16] and in general has a Hausdorff-like presentation [11]. Moreover, this topology is well suited for estimations and constructive approximations [6-9]. We...

Analyse de sensibilité pour les problèmes linéaires en variables 0-1

Babacar Thiongane, Anass Nagih, Gérad Plateau (2003)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

Cet article est un travail de synthèse autour de l’analyse de sensibilité pour les problèmes linéaires en variables 0-1. De nombreux aspects sont ainsi abordés : historique et formes d’analyse de sensibilité, exemples d’application, complexité, conditions d’optimalité, algorithmes et approches. Nous dressons par ailleurs quelques perspectives de recherche actuelles dans ce domaine.

Analyse de sensibilité pour les problèmes linéaires en variables 0-1

Babacar Thiongane, Anass Nagih, Gérad Plateau (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Cet article est un travail de synthèse autour de l'analyse de sensibilité pour les problèmes linéaires en variables 0-1. De nombreux aspects sont ainsi abordés : historique et formes d'analyse de sensibilité, exemples d'application, complexité, conditions d'optimalité, algorithmes et approches. Nous dressons par ailleurs quelques perspectives de recherche actuelles dans ce domaine.

Analysis of a MX/G(a,b)/1 queueing system with vacation interruption

M. Haridass, R. Arumuganathan (2012)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

In this paper, a batch arrival general bulk service queueing system with interrupted vacation (secondary job) is considered. At a service completion epoch, if the server finds at least ‘a’ customers waiting for service say ξ, he serves a batch of min (ξ, b) customers, where b ≥ a. On the other hand, if the queue length is at the most ‘a-1’, the server leaves for a secondary job (vacation) of random length. It is assumed that the secondary job is interrupted abruptly and the server resumes for primary...

Analysis of a MX/G(a,b)/1 queueing system with vacation interruption

M. Haridass, R. Arumuganathan (2012)

RAIRO - Operations Research

In this paper, a batch arrival general bulk service queueing system with interrupted vacation (secondary job) is considered. At a service completion epoch, if the server finds at least ‘a’ customers waiting for service say ξ, he serves a batch of min (ξ, b) customers, where b ≥ a. On the other hand, if the queue length is at the most ‘a-1’, the server leaves for a secondary job (vacation) of random length. It is assumed that the secondary...

Currently displaying 741 – 760 of 884