Displaying 81 – 100 of 102

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Local Changes in Lipid Composition to Match Membrane Curvature

Rolf J. Ryham (2016)

Molecular Based Mathematical Biology

A continuum mechanical model based on the Helfrich Hamiltonian is devised to investigate the coupling between lipid composition and membrane curvature. Each monolayer in the bilayer is modeled as a freely deformable surface with a director field for lipid orientation. A scalar field for the mole fraction of two lipid types accounts for local changes in composition. It allows lipids to access monolayer regions favorable to their intrinsic curvature at the expense of increasing entropic free energy....

Local stability and differentiability of the Mean–Conditional Value at Risk model defined on the mixed–integer loss functions

Martin Branda (2010)


In this paper, we study local stability of the mean-risk model with Conditional Value at Risk measure where the mixed-integer value function appears as a loss variable. This model has been recently introduced and studied in~Schulz and Tiedemann [16]. First, we generalize the qualitative results for the case with random technology matrix. We employ the contamination techniques to quantify a possible effect of changes in the underlying probability distribution on the optimal value. We use the generalized...

Localización minimax bajo posiciones aleatorias de los destinos.

José Muñoz Pérez (1984)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

En este trabajo estudiamos el problema de localización minimax cuando no se conocen exactamente las coordenadas de los destinos, pero vienen especificadas por variables aleatorias con distribución conocida. Hemos analizado este problema bajo el criterio del valor esperado y el criterio de probabilidad máxima, por medio de la dominancia estocástica. Probamos, a través del concepto de valor esperado de información perfecta, que se puede obtener una reducción considerable de la distancia máxima cuando...

Localización sobre redes estocásticas con criterio minisum.

José Muñoz Pérez (1982)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Se considera el problema de localización de centros de servicio sobre redes estocásticas, donde los puntos de demanda son cada uno de los puntos de los arcos, así como los nodos de la red y el tiempo de duración de los trayectos, sobre los arcos de la red, son variables aleatorias discretas con distribuciones de probabilidad conocidas. Bajo un conjunto particular de supuestos, se encuentra que siempre existe un conjunto de m puntos de la red que son puntos medios de los arcos, o nodos de la red,...

Locally bounded k-colorings of trees

C. Bentz, C. Picouleau (2009)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Given a tree T with n vertices, we show, by using a dynamic programming approach, that the problem of finding a 3-coloring of T respecting local (i.e., associated with p prespecified subsets of vertices) color bounds can be solved in O(n6p-1logn) time. We also show that our algorithm can be adapted to the case of k-colorings for fixed k.

Locally Lipschitz vector optimization with inequality and equality constraints

Ivan Ginchev, Angelo Guerraggio, Matteo Rocca (2010)

Applications of Mathematics

The present paper studies the following constrained vector optimization problem: min C f ( x ) , g ( x ) - K , h ( x ) = 0 , where f : n m , g : n p are locally Lipschitz functions, h : n q is C 1 function, and C m and K p are closed convex cones. Two types of solutions are important for the consideration, namely w -minimizers (weakly efficient points) and i -minimizers (isolated minimizers of order 1). In terms of the Dini directional derivative first-order necessary conditions for a point x 0 to be a w -minimizer and first-order sufficient conditions for x 0 ...

Location of polygon vertices on circles and its application in transport studies

Ján Černý, Filip Guldan (1987)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper deals with the problem how to locate a set of polygon vertices on given circles fulfilling some criteria of "regularity" of individual and composed polygons. Specifying the conditions we can obtain a lot of particular versions of this general problem. Some of them are already solved, the others are not. Applications of this theory can be found in scheduling of periodically repeating processes, e.g. in coordination of several urban lines on a common leg, in optimization of the rhythm of...

Long-term planning versus short-term planning in the asymptotical location problem

Alessio Brancolini, Giuseppe Buttazzo, Filippo Santambrogio, Eugene Stepanov (2009)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Given the probability measure ν over the given region Ω n , we consider the optimal location of a set Σ composed by n points in Ω in order to minimize the average distance Σ Ω dist ( x , Σ ) d ν (the classical optimal facility location problem). The paper compares two strategies to find optimal configurations: the long-term one which consists in placing all n points at once in an optimal position, and the short-term one which consists in placing the points one by one adding at each step at most one point and preserving...

Long-term planning versus short-term planning in the asymptotical location problem

Alessio Brancolini, Giuseppe Buttazzo, Filippo Santambrogio, Eugene Stepanov (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Given the probability measure ν over the given region Ω n , we consider the optimal location of a set Σ composed by n points in Ω in order to minimize the average distance Σ Ω dist ( x , Σ ) d ν (the classical optimal facility location problem). The paper compares two strategies to find optimal configurations: the long-term one which consists in placing all n points at once in an optimal position, and the short-term one which consists in placing the points one by one adding at each step at most one point and preserving...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 102