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Nelson Maculan, A. Ridha Mahjoub, Eduardo Uchoa (2014)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


François Fages, Simon de Givry, Christine Solnon (2013)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


Ronald Hoppe, Karl Kunisch, Jan Sokołowski, Antoni Żochowski (2010)

Control and Cybernetics

Préférences et rationalité stochastiques

Pascal Bouyaux (1990)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Le but de cet article est de procéder à une présentation pédagogique d'un concept étendu de rationalité, la rationalité stochastique. Dans une première partie, nous exposons le problème à l'aide d'un exemple simple et posons un ensemble de définitions préliminaires. Puis, dans une seconde partie, nous présentons le résultat fondamental de Falmagne (1978) s'appliquant aux situations de choix multiples ; l'approche ensembliste de cet auteur est formalisée à partir du concept de polynômes de Block-Marschak...

Primal interior point method for minimization of generalized minimax functions

Ladislav Lukšan, Ctirad Matonoha, Jan Vlček (2010)


In this paper, we propose a primal interior-point method for large sparse generalized minimax optimization. After a short introduction, where the problem is stated, we introduce the basic equations of the Newton method applied to the KKT conditions and propose a primal interior-point method. (i. e. interior point method that uses explicitly computed approximations of Lagrange multipliers instead of their updates). Next we describe the basic algorithm and give more details concerning its implementation...

Primal interior-point method for large sparse minimax optimization

Ladislav Lukšan, Ctirad Matonoha, Jan Vlček (2009)


In this paper, we propose a primal interior-point method for large sparse minimax optimization. After a short introduction, the complete algorithm is introduced and important implementation details are given. We prove that this algorithm is globally convergent under standard mild assumptions. Thus the large sparse nonconvex minimax optimization problems can be solved successfully. The results of extensive computational experiments given in this paper confirm efficiency and robustness of the proposed...

Primal-dual approximation algorithms for a packing-covering pair of problems

Sofia Kovaleva, Frits C. R. Spieksma (2002)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

We consider a special packing-covering pair of problems. The packing problem is a natural generalization of finding a (weighted) maximum independent set in an interval graph, the covering problem generalizes the problem of finding a (weighted) minimum clique cover in an interval graph. The problem pair involves weights and capacities; we consider the case of unit weights and the case of unit capacities. In each case we describe a simple algorithm that outputs a solution to the packing problem and...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 172