Displaying 121 – 140 of 172

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Problèmes fractionnaires : tour d'horizon sur les applications et méthodes de résolution

Anass Nagih, Gérard Plateau (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Fractional programming consists in optimizing a ratio of two functions subject to some constraints. Different versions of this model, linear or nonlinear, have applications in various fields like combinatorial optimization, stochastic programming, data bases, and economy. Three resolution methods are presented: direct solution, parametric approach and solution of an equivalent problem.

Proč řešit graficky úlohy lineárního programování

Andrea Kubišová (2016)

Učitel matematiky

At universities focused on economy, Operation Research topics are usually included in the study plan, including solving of Linear Programming problems. A universal tool for their algebraic solution is (numerically difficult) Simplex Algorithm, for which it is necessary to know at least the fundamental of Matrix Algebra. To illustrate this method of solving LP problems and to discuss all types of results, it seems to be very convenient to include a chapter about graphic solutions to LP problems....

Process parameter prediction via markov models of sub-activities

Lino G. Marujo, Raad Y. Qassim (2014)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

This work aims to fill a lacunae in the project-oriented production systems literature providing a formal analytic description of the rework effects formulae and the determination of the extended design time due to a certain degree of overlapping in a pair of activities. It is made through the utilization of concepts of workflow construction with hidden (semi) Markov models theory and establishing a way to disaggregate activities into sub-activities, in order to determine the activity parameters...

Producing the tangency portfolio as a corner portfolio

Reza Keykhaei, Mohamad-Taghi Jahandideh (2013)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

One-fund theorem states that an efficient portfolio in a Mean-Variance (M-V) portfolio selection problem for a set of some risky assets and a riskless asset can be represented by a combination of a unique risky fund (tangency portfolio) and the riskless asset. In this paper, we introduce a method for which the tangency portfolio can be produced as a corner portfolio. So, the tangency portfolio can be computed easily and fast by any algorithm designed for tracing out the M-V efficient frontier via...

Product form solution for g-networks with dependent service

Pavel Bocharov, Ciro D'Apice, Evgeny Gavrilov, Alexandre Pechinkin (2004)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

We consider a G-network with Poisson flow of positive customers. Each positive customer entering the network is characterized by a set of stochastic parameters: customer route, the length of customer route, customer volume and his service length at each route stage as well. The following node types are considered: (0) an exponential node with c n servers, infinite buffer and FIFO discipline; (1) an infinite-server node; (2) a single-server node with infinite buffer and LIFO PR discipline; (3) a single-server...

Product form solution for g-networks with dependent service

Pavel Bocharov, Ciro D'Apice, Evgeny Gavrilov, Alexandre Pechinkin (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We consider a G-network with Poisson flow of positive customers. Each positive customer entering the network is characterized by a set of stochastic parameters: customer route, the length of customer route, customer volume and his service length at each route stage as well. The following node types are considered: Negative customers arriving at each node also form a Poisson flow. A negative customer entering a node with k customers in service, with probability 1/k chooses one of served positive customer...

Production games, core deficit, duality and shadow prices

Sjur Didrik Flåm (2006)

Banach Center Publications

Considered here are production (or market) games with transferable utility. Prime objects are explicitly computable core solutions, or somewhat "deficit" versions of such, fully defined by shadow prices. Main arguments revolve around standard Lagrangian duality. A chief concern is to relax, or avoid, the commonplace assumption that all preferences and production possibilities be convex. Doing so, novel results are obtained about non-emptiness of the core, and about specific imputations therein.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 172