Pricing and revenue management: present and trends.
We investigate the properties of a rating migration process assuming that it is given by subordination of a discrete time Markov chain and a Cox process. The problem of pricing of defaultable bonds with fractional recovery of par value with rating migration and credit default swaps is considered. As an example of applications of our results, we give an explicit solution to the pricing problem in a model with short rate and intensity processes given by the solution of a two-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck...
We show how to use the Gaussian HJM model to price Polish three-year bonds. %A bond issued by A Polish Treasury bond is treated as a risk-free security.
We consider an extension of the Kyle and Back's model [Back, Rev. Finance Stud.5 (1992) 387–409; Kyle, Econometrica35 (1985) 1315–1335], meaning a model for the market with a continuous time risky asset and asymmetrical information. There are three financial agents: the market maker, an insider trader (who knows a random variable V which will be revealed at final time) and a non informed agent. Here we assume that the non informed agent is strategic, namely he/she uses a utility function to...
Successful solution to any environmental problem implies working with Knightian uncertainty that explicitly deals with decision making under conditions of unstructured randomness. A 'wild' type of randomness that we will never discern due to its unstable properties makes the assignment of corresponding probabilities impossible. For that reason, the consideration of general economical factors within cost/benefit analysis must fail. So, instead of governmental intervention and a cup and trade scheme,...
This paper studies a bi-parametric family of decision rules, so-called restricted distinguished chairman rules, which contains several one-parameter classes of rules considered previously in the literature. Roughly speaking, these rules apply to a variety of situations where the original committee appoints a subcommittee. Moreover, the chairman of the subcommittee, who is supposed to be the most competent committee member, may have more voting power than other jurors. Under the assumption of exponentially...
With the pioneering work of [Pardoux and Peng, Syst. Contr. Lett.14 (1990) 55–61; Pardoux and Peng, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences176 (1992) 200–217]. We have at our disposal stochastic processes which solve the so-called backward stochastic differential equations. These processes provide us with a Feynman-Kac representation for the solutions of a class of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) which appear in many applications in the field of Mathematical Finance....
In this paper we formulate a general model of the continuous double auction. We (recursively) describe the distribution of the model. As a useful by-product, we give a (recursive) analytic description of the distribution of the process of the best quotes (bid and ask).
En lo que sigue, abordaremos problemas de decisión en ambiente de riesgo y con experimentación, en donde la distribución de probabilidad a priori sobre los estados de la Naturaleza no es perfectamente conocida, sino que solamente se posee una información cualitativa de la misma. Más concretamente, dados dos estados de la Naturaleza cualesquiera, se conoce a lo más, cuál de ellos es más probable que el otro, si bien no se tiene una idea cuantitativa de esta diferencia de probabilidades.
The classical theory of the sex-ratio evolution, known as the sex-ratio game, is based on the maximization of the number of grandchildren, treated as a fitness measure of a female producing offspring of the sex ratio that is coded in her genes. The theory predicts that it is more profitable to produce offspring with less numerous sex. We can find in the literature mutually exclusive conclusions based on this prediction: some textbooks say that populations with the equal number of sons and daughters...