Divergenzverhalten mehrdimensionaler Shannonscher Abtastreihen.
This paper surveys parts of the study of divisibility properties of codes. The survey begins with the motivating background involving polynomials over finite fields. Then it presents recent results on bounds and applications to optimal codes.
This paper develops a new approach to double fault isolation in linear systems with the aid of directional residuals. The method of residual generation for computational as well as internal forms is applied. Isolation of double faults is based on the investigation of the coplanarity of the residual vector with the planes defined by the individual pairs of directional fault vectors. Additionally, the method of designing secondary residuals, which are structured and directional, is proposed. These...
A quantum dynamical system, mimicking the classical phase doubling map on the unit circle, is formulated and its ergodic properties are studied. We prove that the quantum dynamical entropy equals the classical value log2 by using compact perturbations of the identity as operational partitions of unity.
Nous présentons un modèle mathématique permettant de reproduire le spectre expérimental des fréquences dans un composant électronique appelé boucle ouverte. Le spectre semble s’organiser suivant une contrainte de nature diophantienne sur les fréquences. Sa structure peut donc se comprendre via une étude de l’ensemble des fractions continues en fonction de leur longueur et de la taille des quotients partiels.
We have designed three fast implementations of a recently proposed family of hash functions Edon–. They produce message digests of length bits and project security of hash computations for finding collisions and hash computations for finding preimages and second preimages. The design is not the classical Merkle-Damgård but can be seen as wide-pipe iterated compression function. Moreover the design is based on using huge quasigroups of orders , and that are constructed by using only bitwise...
The paper describes a spectral method for combinational logic synthesis using the Walsh transform and the Reed-Muller form. A new algorithm is presented that allows us to obtain the mixed polarity Reed-Muller expansion of Boolean functions. The most popular minimisation (sub-minimisation) criterion of the Reed-Muller form is obtained by the exhaustive search of all the polarity vectors. This paper presents a non-exhaustive method for Reed-Muller expansions. The new method allows us to build the...
The article focuses on the problem of building dense 3D occupancy maps using commercial RGB-D sensors and the SLAM approach. In particular, it addresses the problem of 3D map representations, which must be able both to store millions of points and to offer efficient update mechanisms. The proposed solution consists of two such key elements, visual odometry and surfel-based mapping, but it contains substantial improvements: storing the surfel maps in octree form and utilizing a frustum culling-based...
The problem of position and orientation estimation for an active vision sensor that moves with respect to the full six degrees of freedom is considered. The proposed approach is based on point features extracted from RGB-D data. This work focuses on efficient point feature extraction algorithms and on methods for the management of a set of features in a single RGB-D data frame. While the fast, RGB-D-based visual odometry system described in this paper builds upon our previous results as to the general...
In this paper, dual synchronization of a hybrid system containing a chaotic Colpitts circuit and a Chua’s circuit, connected by an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, is studied via numeric simulations. The extended Kalman filter (EKF) is employed as the response system to achieve the dual synchronization. Two methods are proposed and investigated. The first method treats the combination of a Colpitts circuit and a Chua’s circuit as a higher- dimensional system, while the second method...