Displaying 601 – 620 of 1497

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Improving the stability of discretization zeros with the Taylor method using a generalization of the fractional-order hold

Cheng Zeng, Shan Liang, Yuzhe Zhang, Jiaqi Zhong, Yingying Su (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Remarkable improvements in the stability properties of discrete system zeros may be achieved by using a new design of the fractional-order hold (FROH) circuit. This paper first analyzes asymptotic behaviors of the limiting zeros, as the sampling period T tends to zero, of the sampled-data models on the basis of the normal form representation for continuous-time systems with a new hold proposed. Further, we also give the approximate expression of limiting zeros of the resulting sampled-data system...

Improving the Watermarking Process with Usage of Block Error-Correcting Codes

Berger, Thierry, Todorov, Todor (2008)

Serdica Journal of Computing

The emergence of digital imaging and of digital networks has made duplication of original artwork easier. Watermarking techniques, also referred to as digital signature, sign images by introducing changes that are imperceptible to the human eye but easily recoverable by a computer program. Usage of error correcting codes is one of the good choices in order to correct possible errors when extracting the signature. In this paper, we present a scheme of error correction based on a combination of Reed-Solomon...

Incertidumbre (información a priori) condicionada por una experiencia.

Teófilo Brezmes, Pedro Gil Alvarez (1985)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Se introduce en este trabajo una axiomatización de las medidas de incertidumbre (información a priori) condicionada por una experiencia que generaliza la dada para la incertidumbre condicionada por un suceso. El concepto de medidas de incertidumbre condicionalmente componibles permite, en determinadas condiciones (componibilidad de tipo M), una construcción de las mismas. Por último se analizan diversos ejemplos (medidas de Shannon, Renyi, etc.), constatándose la igualdad de las construcciones dadas...

Infinite probabilistic secret sharing

Laszlo Csirmaz (2023)


A probabilistic secret sharing scheme is a joint probability distribution of the shares and the secret together with a collection of secret recovery functions. The study of schemes using arbitrary probability spaces and unbounded number of participants allows us to investigate their abstract properties, to connect the topic to other branches of mathematics, and to discover new design paradigms. A scheme is perfect if unqualified subsets have no information on the secret, that is, their total share...

Currently displaying 601 – 620 of 1497