Displaying 1101 – 1120 of 1497

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Probabilistic mixture-based image modelling

Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček, Jiří Grim (2011)


During the last decade we have introduced probabilistic mixture models into image modelling area, which present highly atypical and extremely demanding applications for these models. This difficulty arises from the necessity to model tens thousands correlated data simultaneously and to reliably learn such unusually complex mixture models. Presented paper surveys these novel generative colour image models based on multivariate discrete, Gaussian or Bernoulli mixtures, respectively and demonstrates...

Probability timed automata for investigating communication processes

Henryk Piech, Grzegorz Grodzki (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Exploitation characteristics behaves as a decreasing valors factor (DVF) which can be connected with degradation processes. It is a structure that consists of independent attributes which represent situations generally connected with a given exploitation factor. The multi-attribute structure contains attributes directly and indirectly referring to the main factor. Attribute states, by definition, can only maintain or decrease their values. Such situations are met in security, reliability, exploitation,...

Properties of unique information

Johannes Rauh, Maik Schünemann, Jürgen Jost (2021)


We study the unique information function U I ( T : X Y ) defined by Bertschinger et al. within the framework of information decompositions. In particular, we study uniqueness and support of the solutions to the convex optimization problem underlying the definition of U I . We identify sufficient conditions for non-uniqueness of solutions with full support in terms of conditional independence constraints and in terms of the cardinalities of T , X and Y . Our results are based on a reformulation of the first order conditions...


D. Chenais, M. Terrenoire (1971)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

QL-implications versus D-implications

Margarita Mas, Miquel Monserrat, Joan Torrens (2006)


This paper deals with two kinds of fuzzy implications: QL and Dishkant implications. That is, those defined through the expressions I ( x , y ) = S ( N ( x ) , T ( x , y ) ) and I ( x , y ) = S ( T ( N ( x ) , N ( y ) ) , y ) respectively, where T is a t-norm, S is a t-conorm and N is a strong negation. Special attention is due to the relation between both kinds of implications. In the continuous case, the study of these implications is focused in some of their properties (mainly the contrapositive symmetry and the exchange principle). Finally, the case of non continuous t-norms...

Quantization Dimension Estimate of Inhomogeneous Self-Similar Measures

Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury (2013)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We consider an inhomogeneous measure μ with the inhomogeneous part a self-similar measure ν, and show that for a given r ∈ (0,∞) the lower and the upper quantization dimensions of order r of μ are bounded below by the quantization dimension D r ( ν ) of ν and bounded above by a unique number κ r ( 0 , ) , related to the temperature function of the thermodynamic formalism that arises in the multifractal analysis of μ.

Quantization Dimension Function and Ergodic Measure with Bounded Distortion

Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury (2009)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

The quantization dimension function for the image measure of a shift-invariant ergodic measure with bounded distortion on a self-conformal set is determined, and its relationship to the temperature function of the thermodynamic formalism arising in multifractal analysis is established.

Quasiconvex relaxation of multidimensional control problems with integrands f(t, ξ, v)

Marcus Wagner (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We prove a general relaxation theorem for multidimensional control problems of Dieudonné-Rashevsky type with nonconvex integrands f(t, ξ, v) in presence of a convex control restriction. The relaxed problem, wherein the integrand f has been replaced by its lower semicontinuous quasiconvex envelope with respect to the gradient variable, possesses the same finite minimal value as the original problem, and admits a global minimizer. As an application, we provide existence theorems for the image registration...

Quasiconvex relaxation of multidimensional control problems with integrands f(t, ξ, v)

Marcus Wagner (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We prove a general relaxation theorem for multidimensional control problems of Dieudonné-Rashevsky type with nonconvex integrands f(t, ξ, v) in presence of a convex control restriction. The relaxed problem, wherein the integrand f has been replaced by its lower semicontinuous quasiconvex envelope with respect to the gradient variable, possesses the same finite minimal value as the original problem, and admits a global minimizer. As an application, we provide existence theorems for the image registration...

Currently displaying 1101 – 1120 of 1497