Displaying 161 – 180 of 1497

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An efficient algorithm for adaptive total variation based image decomposition and restoration

Xinwu Liu, Lihong Huang (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

With the aim to better preserve sharp edges and important structure features in the recovered image, this article researches an improved adaptive total variation regularization and H −1 norm fidelity based strategy for image decomposition and restoration. Computationally, for minimizing the proposed energy functional, we investigate an efficient numerical algorithm-the split Bregman method, and briefly prove its convergence. In addition, comparisons are also made with the classical OSV (Osher-Sole-Vese)...

An efficient connected dominating set algorithm in wsns based on the induced tree of the crossed cube

Jing Zhang, Li Xu, Shu-ming Zhou, Wei Wu, Xiucai Ye (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The connected dominating set (CDS) has become a well-known approach for constructing a virtual backbone in wireless sensor networks. Then traffic can forwarded by the virtual backbone and other nodes turn off their radios to save energy. Furthermore, a smaller CDS incurs fewer interference problems. However, constructing a minimum CDS is an NP-hard problem, and thus most researchers concentrate on how to derive approximate algorithms. In this paper, a novel algorithm based on the induced tree of...

An Improvement to the Achievement of the Griesmer Bound

Hamada, Noboru, Maruta, Tatsuya (2010)

Serdica Journal of Computing

We denoted by nq(k, d), the smallest value of n for which an [n, k, d]q code exists for given q, k, d. Since nq(k, d) = gq(k, d) for all d ≥ dk + 1 for q ≥ k ≥ 3, it is a natural question whether the Griesmer bound is attained or not for d = dk , where gq(k, d) = ∑[d/q^i], i=0,...,k-1, dk = (k − 2)q^(k−1) − (k − 1)q^(k−2). It was shown by Dodunekov [2] and Maruta [9], [10] that there is no [gq(k, dk ), k, dk ]q code for q ≥ k, k = 3, 4, 5 and for q ≥ 2k − 3, k ≥ 6. The purpose of this paper...

An Observation about Variations of the Diffie-Hellman Assumption

Bhaskar, Raghav, Chandrasekaran, Karthekeyan, V. Lokam, Satyanaryana, L. Montgomery, Peter, Venkatesan, Ramarathnam, Yacobi, Yacov (2009)

Serdica Journal of Computing

We generalize the Strong Boneh-Boyen (SBB) signature scheme to sign vectors; we call this scheme GSBB. We show that if a particular (but most natural) average case reduction from SBB to GSBB exists, then the Strong Diffie-Hellman (SDH) and the Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) have the same worst-case complexity.

An unscented Kalman filter in designing dynamic GMDH neural networks for robust fault detection

Marcin Mrugalski (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper presents an identification method of dynamic systems based on a group method of data handling approach. In particular, a new structure of the dynamic multi-input multi-output neuron in a state-space representation is proposed. Moreover, a new training algorithm of the neural network based on the unscented Kalman filter is presented. The final part of the work contains an illustrative example regarding the application of the proposed approach to robust fault detection of a tunnel furnace....

An ε-insensitive approach to fuzzy clustering

Jacek Łęski (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Fuzzy clustering can be helpful in finding natural vague boundaries in data. The fuzzy c-means method is one of the most popular clustering methods based on minimization of a criterion function. However, one of the greatest disadvantages of this method is its sensitivity to the presence of noise and outliers in the data. The present paper introduces a new ε-insensitive Fuzzy C-Means (εFCM) clustering algorithm. As a special case, this algorithm includes the well-known Fuzzy C-Medians method (FCMED)....

Analyses multi-résolutions non orthogonales, commutation entre projecteurs et derivation et ondelettes vecteurs à divergence nulle.

Pierre Gilles Lemarie-Rieusset (1992)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The notion of non-orthogonal multi-resolution analysis and its compatibility with differentiation (as expressed by the commutation formula) lead us to the construction of a multi-resolution analysis of L2(Rn)n which is well adapted to the approximation of divergence-free vector functions. Thus, we obtain unconditional bases of compactly supported divergence-free vector wavelets.

Analysis of gradient flow of a regularized Mumford-Shah functional for image segmentation and image inpainting

Xiaobing Feng, Andreas Prohl (2004)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

This paper studies the gradient flow of a regularized Mumford-Shah functional proposed by Ambrosio and Tortorelli (1990, 1992) for image segmentation, and adopted by Esedoglu and Shen (2002) for image inpainting. It is shown that the gradient flow with L 2 × L initial data possesses a global weak solution, and it has a unique global in time strong solution, which has at most finite number of point singularities in the space-time, when the initial data are in H 1 × H 1 L . A family of fully discrete approximation...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 1497