Brownian motion in a Poisson obstacle field

Tomasz Komorowski

Séminaire Bourbaki (1998-1999)

  • Volume: 41, page 91-111
  • ISSN: 0303-1179

How to cite


Komorowski, Tomasz. "Brownian motion in a Poisson obstacle field." Séminaire Bourbaki 41 (1998-1999): 91-111. <>.

author = {Komorowski, Tomasz},
journal = {Séminaire Bourbaki},
keywords = {moderate Brownian motion in random environment; large deviation theory; Wiener sausage; method of enlargement of obstacles (MEO); random walk in a random environment (RWRE)},
language = {eng},
pages = {91-111},
publisher = {Société Mathématique de France},
title = {Brownian motion in a Poisson obstacle field},
url = {},
volume = {41},
year = {1998-1999},

AU - Komorowski, Tomasz
TI - Brownian motion in a Poisson obstacle field
JO - Séminaire Bourbaki
PY - 1998-1999
PB - Société Mathématique de France
VL - 41
SP - 91
EP - 111
LA - eng
KW - moderate Brownian motion in random environment; large deviation theory; Wiener sausage; method of enlargement of obstacles (MEO); random walk in a random environment (RWRE)
UR -
ER -


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