Functions with fibres large on each nonvoid open set
Let X, Y be uncountable Polish spaces and let μ be a complete σ-finite Borel measure on X. Denote by K and L the families of all meager subsets of X and of all subsets of Y with μ measure zero, respectively. It is shown that the product of the ideals K and L restricted to C-sets of Selivanovskiĭ is σ-saturated, which extends Gavalec's results.
For a σ-ideal I of sets in a Polish space X and for A ⊆ , we consider the generalized projection (A) of A given by (A) = x ∈ X: Ax ∉ I, where =y ∈ X: 〈x,y〉∈ A. We study the behaviour of with respect to Borel and analytic sets in the case when I is a -supported σ-ideal. In particular, we give an alternative proof of the recent result of Kechris showing that [ for a wide class of -supported σ-ideals.
Let K(X) be the hyperspace of a compact metric space endowed with the Hausdorff metric. We give a general theorem showing that certain subsets of K(X) are true sets.
We introduce and examine the notion of dense weak openness. In particular we show that multiplication in C(X) is densely weakly open whenever X is an interval in ℝ.
We give sufficient conditions for the interchange of the operations of limit and the Birkhoff integral for a sequence of functions from a measure space to a Banach space. In one result the equi-integrability of ’s is involved and we assume almost everywhere. The other result resembles the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem where the almost uniform convergence of to is assumed.
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