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Robust operator estimates and the application to substructuring methods for first-order systems

Christian WienersBarbara Wohlmuth — 2014

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We discuss a family of discontinuous Petrov–Galerkin (DPG) schemes for quite general partial differential operators. The starting point of our analysis is the DPG method introduced by [Demkowicz , 49 (2011) 1788–1809; Zitelli , 230 (2011) 2406–2432]. This discretization results in a sparse positive definite linear algebraic system which can be obtained from a saddle point problem by an element-wise Schur complement reduction applied to the test space. Here, we show that the abstract framework of...

A multiplicative Schwarz method and its application to nonlinear acoustic-structure interaction

Roland ErnstBernd FlemischBarbara Wohlmuth — 2009

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

A new Schwarz method for nonlinear systems is presented, constituting the multiplicative variant of a straightforward additive scheme. Local convergence can be guaranteed under suitable assumptions. The scheme is applied to nonlinear acoustic-structure interaction problems. Numerical examples validate the theoretical results. Further improvements are discussed by means of introducing overlapping subdomains and employing an inexact strategy for the local solvers.

Efficient numerical solution of mixed finite element discretizations by adaptive multilevel methods

Ronald H.W. HoppeBarbara Wohlmuth — 1995

Applications of Mathematics

We consider mixed finite element discretizations of second order elliptic boundary value problems. Emphasis is on the efficient iterative solution by multilevel techniques with respect to an adaptively generated hierarchy of nonuniform triangulations. In particular, we present two multilevel solvers, the first one relying on ideas from domain decomposition and the second one resulting from mixed hybridization. Local refinement of the underlying triangulations is done by efficient and reliable a...

A comparison of dual Lagrange multiplier spaces for Mortar finite element discretizations

Barbara I. Wohlmuth — 2002

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Domain decomposition techniques provide a powerful tool for the numerical approximation of partial differential equations. We focus on mortar finite element methods on non-matching triangulations. In particular, we discuss and analyze dual Lagrange multiplier spaces for lowest order finite elements. These non standard Lagrange multiplier spaces yield optimal discretization schemes and a locally supported basis for the associated constrained mortar spaces. As a consequence, standard efficient iterative...

A Comparison of Dual Lagrange Multiplier Spaces for Mortar Finite Element Discretizations

Barbara I. Wohlmuth — 2010

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Domain decomposition techniques provide a powerful tool for the numerical approximation of partial differential equations. We focus on mortar finite element methods on non-matching triangulations. In particular, we discuss and analyze dual Lagrange multiplier spaces for lowest order finite elements. These non standard Lagrange multiplier spaces yield optimal discretization schemes and a locally supported basis for the associated constrained mortar spaces. As a consequence, standard efficient iterative...

Residual based a posteriori error estimators for eddy current computation

Rudi BeckRalf HiptmairRonald H.W. HoppeBarbara Wohlmuth — 2010

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider ;Ω)-elliptic problems that have been discretized by means of Nédélec's edge elements on tetrahedral meshes. Such problems occur in the numerical computation of eddy currents. From the defect equation we derive localized expressions that can be used as error estimators to control adaptive refinement. Under certain assumptions on material parameters and computational domains, we derive local lower bounds and a global upper bound for the total error measured in the energy norm. The...

A quasi-dual Lagrange multiplier space for serendipity mortar finite elements in 3D

Bishnu P. LamichhaneBarbara I. Wohlmuth — 2004

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Domain decomposition techniques provide a flexible tool for the numerical approximation of partial differential equations. Here, we consider mortar techniques for quadratic finite elements in 3D with different Lagrange multiplier spaces. In particular, we focus on Lagrange multiplier spaces which yield optimal discretization schemes and a locally supported basis for the associated constrained mortar spaces in case of hexahedral triangulations. As a result, standard efficient iterative solvers as...

A quasi-dual Lagrange multiplier space for serendipity mortar finite elements in 3D

Bishnu P. LamichhaneBarbara I. Wohlmuth — 2010

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Domain decomposition techniques provide a flexible tool for the numerical approximation of partial differential equations. Here, we consider mortar techniques for quadratic finite elements in 3D with different Lagrange multiplier spaces. In particular, we focus on Lagrange multiplier spaces which yield optimal discretization schemes and a locally supported basis for the associated constrained mortar spaces in case of hexahedral triangulations. As a result, standard efficient iterative solvers...

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