Suites définies négatives et espaces de Dirichlet sur la sphère
Let be a locally compact group and a compact subgroup such that the algebra of biinvariant integrable functions is commutative. We characterize the -invariant Dirichlet forms on the homogeneous space using harmonic analysis of . This extends results from Ch. Berg, Séminaire Brelot-Choquet-Deny, Paris, 13e année 1969/70 and J. Deny, Potential theory (C.I.M.E., I ciclo, Stresa), Ed. Cremonese, Rome, 1970. Every non-zero -invariant Dirichlet form on a symmetric space of non compact type...
Let be a positive Radon measure on the real line having moments of all orders. We prove that the set of polynomials is note dense in for any , if is indeterminate. If is determinate, then is dense in for , but not necessarily for . The compact convex set of positive Radon measures with same moments as is studied in some details.
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