The aim of this work is threefold. First we set up a calculus for partial differential operators with nonsmooth coefficients which is based on the FBI (Fourier-Bros-Iagolnitzer) transform. Then, using this calculus, we prove a weaker version of the Strichartz estimates for second order hyperbolic equations with nonsmooth coefficients. Finally, we apply these new Strichartz estimates to second order nonlinear hyperbolic equations and improve the local theory, i.e. prove local well-posedness for initial...
The Schrödinger map equation is a geometric Schrödinger model, closely associated to the harmonic heat flow and to the wave map equation. The aim of these notes is to describe recent and ongoing work on this model, as well as a number of related open problems.
In [2] Kenig, Ruiz and Sogge proved
provided , and is a second order operator with constant coefficients such that the second order coefficients are real and nonsingular. As a consequence of [3] we state local versions of this inequality for operators with coefficients. In this paper we show how to apply these local versions to the absence of embedded eigenvalues...
We consider the derivative NLS equation with general quadratic nonlinearities. In [2] the first author has proved a sharp small data local well-posedness result in Sobolev spaces with a decay structure at infinity in dimension . Here we prove a similar result for large initial data in all dimensions .
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