Theories of creating mathematical concepts and mathematicalreasoning do not say much about the way in which dynamic reasoningis associated with the development of geometrical thinking. Historicalreview shows that using movement in geometry was differently seen byits creators. Also, approach by psychology does not indicate a simpleway how to connect visual thinking (present at preparatory stage of reasoning)with operational thinking and movement in geometric reasoning.Therefore identification of...
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Geometrical activities for young children cannot be oriented towards the `ready-made' products like geometrical concepts or skills. An early childhood education could be dedicated to the gathering of experiences, which will be the 128 Ewa Swoboda base for a conscious mental process of creating such concepts at later stages of mathematical education. In other words { it is a very important, indispensable preparatory period for `true' mathematics, and at the same time, it is a period which can be...
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Pięciolatki układają szlaczki, burzą je i rozmawiają o regularnościach
In this article we present results of research aiming at describing the strategies used by 10-year-old children while solving one geometric task. The research was lead through three different stages. In May 2015 the Educational Research Institute in Poland carried out a survey titled Competences Of Third Grades. One task, related to the domain "the geometric imagination", solved by 199 361 students, achieved a low degree of solvability, also among students achieving good results in other educational...
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W tym artykule analizujemy trudności studentów matematyki w przejściuod rozumienia trapezu jako czworoboku posiadającego dwie podstawy różnejdługości do ujęcia zgodnego z jego formalną definicją. Nasze badanie zostałoprzeprowadzone wśród 25 studentów – przyszłych nauczycieli matematyki. Wtrakcie studiów studenci ukończyli kurs „geometrii elementarnej”, który trwał2 semestry (60 godzin wykładów i 60 godzin ćwiczeń). Celem tego kursu było,między innymi, zapoznanie studentów z podstawowymi pojęciami...
The research problem of this investigation is what are the sources of misunderstandings between the teacher and a student that spontaneously occur during a mathematical discourse. Several episodes of mathematics classes are here analyzed, in which the meaning of a word or expression was different for the teacher and a student. They are analyzed with respect to four kinds of cognitive obstacles identified previously: Different understanding of the context of a situation or a problem. The teacher...
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W zacisznie położonej węgierskiej miejscowości Dobogóko w dniach 23-29 lipca 2007 roku odbyła się 59. konferencja Międzynarodowej Komisji do Spraw Studiowania i Ulepszania Nauczania Matematyki - CIEAEM.
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