An Upper Estimation for Topological Entropy of Diffeomorphisms.
Let be the set of all rational maps of degree d ≥ 2 on the Riemann sphere, expanding on their Julia set. We prove that if and all, or all but one, critical points (or values) are in the basin of immediate attraction to an attracting fixed point then there exists a polynomial in the component H(f) of containing f. If all critical points are in the basin of immediate attraction to an attracting fixed point or a parabolic fixed point then f restricted to the Julia set is conjugate to the shift...
We prove that if A is the basin of immediate attraction to a periodic attracting or parabolic point for a rational map f on the Riemann sphere, if A is completely invariant (i.e. ), and if μ is an arbitrary f-invariant measure with positive Lyapunov exponents on ∂A, then μ-almost every point q ∈ ∂A is accessible along a curve from A. In fact, we prove the accessibility of every “good” q, i.e. one for which “small neigh bourhoods arrive at large scale” under iteration of f. This generalizes the...
We prove that for Ω being an immediate basin of attraction to an attracting fixed point for a rational mapping of the Riemann sphere, and for an ergodic invariant measure μ on the boundary FrΩ, with positive Lyapunov exponent, there is an invariant subset of FrΩ which is an expanding repeller of Hausdorff dimension arbitrarily close to the Hausdorff dimension of μ. We also prove generalizations and a geometric coding tree abstract version. The paper is a continuation of a paper in Fund. Math. 145...
e prove that the hyperbolic Hausdorff dimension of Fr Ω, the boundary of the simply connected immediate basin of attraction Ω to an attracting periodic point of a rational mapping of the Riemann sphere, which is not a finite Blaschke product in some holomorphic coordinates, or a 2:1 factor of a Blaschke product, is larger than 1. We prove a "local version" of this theorem, for a boundary repelling to the side of the domain. The results extend an analogous fact for polynomials...
CONTENTSIntroduction............................................................................51. The main ideas and results................................................62. -invariant subsets of .........................223. Reduction to germs of differential 1-forms........................354. The case k ≥ 2n-3. Proof of Theorem A...........................445. The case n = 3, k = 2.......................................................46Appendix. Connections with control theory...........................59List...
We prove that if f, g are smooth unimodal maps of the interval with negative Schwarzian derivative, conjugated by a homeomorphism of the interval, and f is Collet-Eckmann, then so is g.
We prove that if A is a basin of immediate attraction to a periodic attracting or parabolic point for a rational map f on the Riemann sphere, then the periodic points in the boundary of A are dense in this boundary. To prove this in the non-simply connected or parabolic situations we prove a more abstract, geometric coding trees version.
We prove that the Julia set of a rational map of the Riemann sphere satisfying the Collet-Eckmann condition and having no parabolic periodic point is mean porous, if it is not the whole sphere. It follows that the Minkowski dimension of the Julia set is less than 2.
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