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A visual approach to test lattices

Gábor Czédli — 2009

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

Let p be a k -ary lattice term. A k -pointed lattice L = ( L ; , , d 1 , ... , d k ) will be called a p -lattice (or a test lattice if p is not specified), if ( L ; , ) is generated by { d 1 , ... , d k } and, in addition, for any k -ary lattice term q satisfying p ( d 1 , ... , d k ) q ( d 1 , ... , d k ) in L , the lattice identity p q holds in all lattices. In an elementary visual way, we construct a finite p -lattice L ( p ) for each p . If p is a canonical lattice term, then L ( p ) coincides with the optimal p -lattice of Freese, Ježek and Nation [Freese, R., Ježek,...

Cyclic congruences of slim semimodular lattices and non-finite axiomatizability of some finite structures

Gábor Czédli — 2022

Archivum Mathematicum

We give a new proof of the fact that finite bipartite graphs cannot be axiomatized by finitely many first-order sentences among finite graphs. (This fact is a consequence of a general theorem proved by L. Ham and M. Jackson, and the counterpart of this fact for all bipartite graphs in the class of all graphs is a well-known consequence of the compactness theorem.) Also, to exemplify that our method is applicable in various fields of mathematics, we prove that neither finite simple groups, nor the...

Reducing the lengths of slim planar semimodular lattices without changing their congruence lattices

Gábor Czédli — 2024

Mathematica Bohemica

Following G. Grätzer and E. Knapp (2007), a slim planar semimodular lattice, SPS lattice for short, is a finite planar semimodular lattice having no M 3 as a sublattice. An SPS lattice is a slim rectangular lattice if it has exactly two doubly irreducible elements and these two elements are complements of each other. A finite poset P is said to be JConSPS-representable if there is an SPS lattice L such that P is isomorphic to the poset J ( Con L ) of join-irreducible congruences of L . We prove that if 1 < n and...

Diamond identities for relative congruences

Gábor Czédli — 1995

Archivum Mathematicum

For a class K of structures and A K let C o n * ( A ) resp. C o n K ( A ) denote the lattices of * -congruences resp. K -congruences of A , cf. Weaver [25]. Let C o n * ( K ) : = I { C o n * ( A ) : A K } where I is the operator of forming isomorphic copies, and C o n r ( K ) : = I { C o n K ( A ) : A K } . For an ordered algebra A the lattice of order congruences of A is denoted by C o n < ( A ) , and let C o n < ( K ) : = I { C o n < ( A ) : A K } if K is a class of ordered algebras. The operators of forming subdirect squares and direct products are denoted by Q s and P , respectively. Let λ be a lattice identity and let Σ be a set of lattice identities. Let Σ c λ ( r ; Q s , P ) denote...

On duality of submodule lattices

Gábor CzédliGéza Takách — 2000

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

An elementary proof is given for Hutchinson's duality theorem, which states that if a lattice identity λ holds in all submodule lattices of modules over a ring R with unit element then so does the dual of λ.

On the height of order ideals

Gábor CzédliMiklós Maróti — 2010

Mathematica Bohemica

We maximize the total height of order ideals in direct products of finitely many finite chains. We also consider several order ideals simultaneously. As a corollary, a shifting property of some integer sequences, including digit sum sequences, is derived.

Frankl’s conjecture for large semimodular and planar semimodular lattices

Gábor CzédliE. Tamás Schmidt — 2008

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

A lattice L is said to satisfy (the lattice theoretic version of) Frankl’s conjecture if there is a join-irreducible element f L such that at most half of the elements x of L satisfy f x . Frankl’s conjecture, also called as union-closed sets conjecture, is well-known in combinatorics, and it is equivalent to the statement that every finite lattice satisfies Frankl’s conjecture. Let m denote the number of nonzero join-irreducible elements of L . It is well-known that L consists of at most 2 m elements....

Varieties of Distributive Rotational Lattices

Gábor CzédliIldikó V. Nagy — 2013

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

A rotational lattice is a structure L ; , , g where L = L ; , is a lattice and g is a lattice automorphism of finite order. We describe the subdirectly irreducible distributive rotational lattices. Using Jónsson’s lemma, this leads to a description of all varieties of distributive rotational lattices.

A dyadic view of rational convex sets

Gábor CzédliMiklós MarótiAnna B. Romanowska — 2014

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let F be a subfield of the field of real numbers. Equipped with the binary arithmetic mean operation, each convex subset C of F n becomes a commutative binary mode, also called idempotent commutative medial (or entropic) groupoid. Let C and C ' be convex subsets of F n . Assume that they are of the same dimension and at least one of them is bounded, or F is the field of all rational numbers. We prove that the corresponding idempotent commutative medial groupoids are isomorphic iff the affine space F n ...

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