Isotropic sections and curvature properties of hyperbolic Kaehlerian manifolds.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 53B35, Secondary 53C50. In dimension greater than four, we prove that if a Hermitian non-Kaehler manifold is of pointwise constant antiholomorphic sectional curvatures, then it is of constant sectional curvatures.
On any space-like Weingarten surface in the three-dimensional Minkowski space we introduce locally natural principal parameters and prove that such a surface is determined uniquely up to motion by a special invariant function, which satisfies a natural non-linear partial differential equation. This result can be interpreted as a solution to the Lund-Regge reduction problem for space-like Weingarten surfaces in Minkowski space. We apply this theory to linear fractional space-like Weingarten surfaces...
The Kähler manifolds of quasi-constant holomorphic sectional curvatures are introduced as Kähler manifolds with complex distribution of codimension two, whose holomorphic sectional curvature only depends on the corresponding point and the geometric angle, associated with the section. A curvature identity characterizing such manifolds is found. The biconformal group of transformations whose elements transform Kähler metrics into Kähler ones is introduced and biconformal tensor invariants are obtained....
In the tangent plane at any point of a surface in the four-dimensional Euclidean space we consider an invariant linear map ofWeingarten-type and find a geometrically determined moving frame field. Writing derivative formulas of Frenet-type for this frame field, we obtain eight invariant functions. We prove a fundamental theorem of Bonnet-type, stating that these eight invariants under some natural conditions determine the surface up to a motion. We show that the basic geometric classes of surfaces...
In the four-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean space with neutral metric there are three types of rotational surfaces with two-dimensional axis - rotational surfaces of elliptic, hyperbolic or parabolic type. A surface whose mean curvature vector field is lightlike is said to be quasi-minimal. In this paper we classify all rotational quasi-minimal surfaces of elliptic, hyperbolic and parabolic type, respectively.
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