On linear operators having supercyclic vectors
We show that for a real separable Banach space X there are operators in B(X) having supercyclic vectors if and only if dim X ≤ 2 or dim X = ∞.
We show that for a real separable Banach space X there are operators in B(X) having supercyclic vectors if and only if dim X ≤ 2 or dim X = ∞.
We prove that the initial value problem x’(t) = f(t,x(t)), is uniquely solvable in certain ordered Banach spaces if f is quasimonotone increasing with respect to x and f satisfies a one-sided Lipschitz condition with respect to a certain convex functional.
We prove an intermediate value theorem for certain quasimonotone increasing functions in ordered Banach spaces, under the assumption that each nonempty order bounded chain has a supremum.
We will give an existence and uniqueness theorem for ordinary differential equations in Fréchet spaces using Lipschitz conditions formulated with a generalized distance and row-finite matrices.
We prove an existence and uniqueness theorem for row-finite initial value problems. The right-hand side of the differential equation is supposed to satisfy a one-sided matrix Lipschitz condition with a quasimonotone row-finite matrix which has an at most countable spectrum.
We consider uniqueness for the initial value problem x' = 1 + f(x) - f(t), x(0) = 0. Several uniqueness criteria are given as well as an example of non-uniqueness.
Let a real Banach algebra A with unit be ordered by an algebra cone K. We study the elements a ∈ A with exp(ta) ∈ K, t≥ 0.
Let E be a real normed space and a complex Banach algebra with unit. We characterize the continuous solutions f: E → of the functional equation .
We study boundary value problems of the type Ax = r, φ(x) = φ(b) (φ ∈ M ⊆ E*) in ordered Banach spaces.
Let 𝒜 be a Banach algebra over ℂ with unit 1 and 𝑓: ℂ → ℂ an entire function. Let 𝐟: 𝒜 → 𝒜 be defined by 𝐟(a) = 𝑓(a) (a ∈ 𝒜), where 𝑓(a) is given by the usual analytic calculus. The connections between the periods of 𝑓 and the periods of 𝐟 are settled by a theorem of E. Vesentini. We give a new proof of this theorem and investigate further properties of periods of 𝐟, for example in C*-algebras.
We prove the existence of extremal solutions of Dirichlet boundary value problems for u'' + f(t,u,u') = 0 in l(A) between a generalized pair of upper and lower functions with respect to the coordinatewise ordering, and for f quasimonotone increasing in its second variable.
We derive monotonicity results for solutions of ordinary differential inequalities of second order in ordered normed spaces with respect to the boundary values. As a consequence, we get an existence theorem for the Dirichlet boundary value problem by means of a variant of Tarski's Fixed Point Theorem.
We apply Max Müller's Theorem to second order equations u'' = f(t,u,u') to obtain solutions between given functions v,w.
Let be a -semigroup with unbounded generator . We prove that has generically a very irregular behaviour for as .
Given a strongly continuous semigroup on a Banach space X with generator A and an element f ∈ D(A²) satisfying and for all t ≥ 0 and some ω > 0, we derive a Landau type inequality for ||Af|| in terms of ||f|| and ||A²f||. This inequality improves on the usual Landau inequality that holds in the case ω = 0.
We prove the existence of functions , the Fourier series of which being universally divergent on countable subsets of . The proof is based on a uniform estimate of the Taylor polynomials of Landau’s extremal functions on .
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