One-dimensional kinetic models of granular flows
In questo articolo vengono brevemente presentate le principali analogie tra il problema dell'andamento all'equilibrio delle molecole di un gas rarefatto e la formazione delle code di potenza nella distribuzione della ricchezza in una società di agenti. L'approccio della meccanica statistica al succitato problema di origine economica ha fornito infatti in questi ultimi anni una spiegazione particolarmente convincente sul fenomeno della formazione delle code di potenza di Pareto.
We introduce and discuss a one-dimensional kinetic model of the Boltzmann equation with dissipative collisions and variable coefficient of restitution. Then, the behavior of the Boltzmann equation in the quasi elastic limit is investigated for a wide range of the rate function. By this limit procedure we obtain a class of nonlinear equations classified as nonlinear friction equations. The analysis of the cooling process shows that the nonlinearity on the relative velocity is of paramount importance...
In this paper we introduce numerical schemes for a one-dimensional kinetic model of the Boltzmann equation with dissipative collisions and variable coefficient of restitution. In particular, we study the numerical passage of the Boltzmann equation with singular kernel to nonlinear friction equations in the so-called quasi elastic limit. To this aim we introduce a Fourier spectral method for the Boltzmann equation [25, 26] and show that the kernel modes that define the spectral method have the correct...
We investigate, in the diffusive scaling, the limit to the macroscopic description of finite-velocity Boltzmann kinetic models, where the rate coefficient in front of the collision operator is assumed to be dependent of the mass density. It is shown that in the limit the flux vanishes, while the evolution of the mass density is governed by a nonlinear parabolic equation of porous medium type. In the last part of the paper we show that our method adapts to prove the so-called Rosseland approximation...
In this paper we introduce numerical schemes for a one-dimensional kinetic model of the Boltzmann equation with dissipative collisions and variable coefficient of restitution. In particular, we study the numerical passage of the Boltzmann equation with singular kernel to nonlinear friction equations in the so-called quasi elastic limit. To this aim we introduce a Fourier spectral method for the Boltzmann equation [CITE] and show that the kernel modes that define the spectral method have the correct...
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