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Path-following the static contact problem with Coulomb friction

Haslinger, JaroslavJanovský, VladimírKučera, Radek — 2013

Applications of Mathematics 2013

Consider contact problem with Coulomb friction on two planar domains. In order to find non-unique solutions we propose a new path following algorithm: Given a linear loading path we approximate the corresponding solution path. It consists of oriented piecewise linear branches connected by transition points. We developed a) predictor-corrector algorithm to follow oriented linear branches, b) branching and orientation indicators to detect transition points. The techniques incorporate semi-smooth Newton...

Reliable computation and local mesh adaptivity in limit analysis

Sysala, StanislavHaslinger, JaroslavRepin, Sergey — 2019

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The contribution is devoted to computations of the limit load for a perfectly plastic model with the von Mises yield criterion. The limit factor of a prescribed load is defined by a specific variational problem, the so-called limit analysis problem. This problem is solved in terms of deformation fields by a penalization, the finite element and the semismooth Newton methods. From the numerical solution, we derive a guaranteed upper bound of the limit factor. To achieve more accurate results, a local...

A note on contact shape optimization with semicoercive state problems

Jaroslav Haslinger — 2002

Applications of Mathematics

This note deals with contact shape optimization for problems involving “floating” structures. The boundedness of solutions to state problems with respect to admissible domains, which is the basic step in the existence analysis, is a consequence of Korn’s inequality in coercive cases. In semicoercive cases (meaning that floating bodies are admitted), the Korn inequality cannot be directly applied and one has to proceed in another way: to use a decomposition of kinematically admissible functions and...

Contact shape optimization based on the reciprocal variational formulation

Jaroslav Haslinger — 1999

Applications of Mathematics

The paper deals with a class of optimal shape design problems for elastic bodies unilaterally supported by a rigid foundation. Cost and constraint functionals defining the problem depend on contact stresses, i.e. their control is of primal interest. To this end, the so-called reciprocal variational formulation of contact problems making it possible to approximate directly the contact stresses is used. The existence and approximation results are established. The sensitivity analysis is carried out....

Finite element analysis for unilateral problems with obstacles on the boundary

Jaroslav Haslinger — 1977

Aplikace matematiky

Finite element analysis of unilateral problems with obstacles on the boundary is given. Provided the exact solution is smooth enough, we obtain the rate of convergence 0 ( h ) for the case of one and two (lower and upper) obstacles on the boundary. At the end of this paper the proof of convergence without any regularity assumptions on the exact solution u is given.

Mixed formulation of elliptic variational inequalities and its approximation

Jaroslav Haslinger — 1981

Aplikace matematiky

The approximation of a mixed formulation of elliptic variational inequalities is studied. Mixed formulation is defined as the problem of finding a saddle-point of a properly chosen Lagrangian 2 on a certain convex set K x Λ . Sufficient conditions, guaranteeing the convergence of approximate solutions are studied. Abstract results are applied to concrete examples.

Least square method for solving contact problems with friction obeying the Coulomb law

Jaroslav Haslinger — 1984

Aplikace matematiky

The paper deals with numerical realization of contact problems with friction obeying the Coulomb law. The original problem is formulated as the fixed-point problem for a certain operator generated by the variational inequality. This inequality is transformed to a system of variational nonlinear equations generating other operators, in a sense "close" to the above one. The fixed-point problem of these operators is solved by the least-square method in which equations and the corresponding quadratic...

Mixed finite element approximation of 3D contact problems with given friction : error analysis and numerical realization

Jaroslav HaslingerTaoufik Sassi — 2004

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

This contribution deals with a mixed variational formulation of 3D contact problems with the simplest model involving friction. This formulation is based on a dualization of the set of admissible displacements and the regularization of the non-differentiable term. Displacements are approximated by piecewise linear elements while the respective dual variables by piecewise constant functions on a dual partition of the contact zone. The rate of convergence is established provided that the solution...

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