We define a notion of left section in an Auslander-Reiten component, by weakening one of the axioms for sections. We derive a generalisation of the Liu-Skowroński criterion for tilted algebras, then apply our results to describe the Auslander-Reiten components lying in the left part of an artin algebra.
Let R be a split extension of an artin algebra A by a nilpotent bimodule , and let M be an indecomposable non-projective A-module. We show that the almost split sequences ending with M in mod A and mod R coincide if and only if = 0 and .
Let A and R be two artin algebras such that R is a split extension of A by a nilpotent ideal. We prove that if R is quasi-tilted, or tame and tilted, then so is A. Moreover, generalizations of these properties, such as laura and shod, are also inherited. We also study the relationship between the tilting R-modules and the tilting A-modules.
In the cases and , we describe the seeds obtained by sequences of mutations from an initial seed. In the case, we deduce a linear representation of the group of mutations which contains as matrix entries all cluster variables obtained after an arbitrary sequence of mutations (this sequence is an element of the group). Nontransjective variables correspond to certain subgroups of finite index. A noncommutative rational series is constructed, which contains all this information.
For a finite dimensional algebra A over an algebraically closed field, let T(A) denote the trivial extension of A by its minimal injective cogenerator bimodule. We prove that, if is a tilting module and , then T(A) is tame if and only if T(B) is tame.
Let A be a special biserial algebra over an algebraically closed field. We show that the first Hohchshild cohomology group of A with coefficients in the bimodule A vanishes if and only if A is representation-finite and simply connected (in the sense of Bongartz and Gabriel), if and only if the Euler characteristic of Q equals the number of indecomposable non-uniserial projective-injective A-modules (up to isomorphism). Moreover, if this is the case, then all the higher Hochschild cohomology groups...
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