Smooth structures on fibre jet spaces
We discuss frame bundles and canonical forms for geometries modeled on homogeneous spaces. Our aim is to introduce a geometric picture based on the non-holonomic jet bundles and principal prolongations as introduced in [Kolář, 71]. The paper has a partly expository character and we focus on very general aspects only. In the final section, various links to known results on the parabolic geometries are given briefly and some directions for further investigations are roughly indicated.
Invariant polynomial operators on Riemannian manifolds are well understood and the knowledge of full lists of them becomes an effective tool in Riemannian geometry, [Atiyah, Bott, Patodi, 73] is a very good example. The present short paper is in fact a continuation of [Slovák, 92] where the classification problem is reconsidered under very mild assumptions and still complete classification results are derived even in some non-linear situations. Therefore, we neither repeat the detailed exposition...
This short note completes the results of [3] by removing the locality assumption on the operators. After providing a quick survey on (infinitesimally) natural operations, we show that all the bilinear operators classified in [3] can be characterized in a completely algebraic way, even without any continuity assumption on the operations.
There are only some exceptional CR dimensions and codimensions such that the geometries enjoy a discrete classification of the pointwise types of the homogeneous models. The cases of CR dimensions n and codimensions n 2 are among the very few possibilities of the so-called parabolic geometries. Indeed, the homogeneous model turns out to be PSU(n+1,n)/P with a suitable parabolic subgroup P. We study the geometric properties of such real (2n+n 2)-dimensional submanifolds in for all n > 1. In...
Článek nabízí stručný přehled témat a osobností, které formovaly rozvoj matematiky na Masarykově univerzitě v Brně od jejího založení v roce 1919. Vývoj vědních oborů sledujeme ve čtyřech obdobích historie univerzity.
We show how to specify preferred parameterisations on a homogeneous curve in an arbitrary homogeneous space. We apply these results to limit the natural parameters on distinguished curves in parabolic geometries.
On a symplectic manifold, there is a natural elliptic complex replacing the de Rham complex. It can be coupled to a vector bundle with connection and, when the curvature of this connection is constrained to be a multiple of the symplectic form, we find a new complex. In particular, on complex projective space with its Fubini–Study form and connection, we can build a series of differential complexes akin to the Bernstein–Gelfand–Gelfand complexes from parabolic differential geometry.
The author uses the concept of the first principal prolongation of an arbitrary principal filter bundle to develop an alternative procedure for constructing the prolongations of a class of the first-order -structures. The motivation comes from the almost Hermitian structures, which can be defined either as standard first-order structures, or higher-order structures, but if they do not admit a torsion-free connection, the classical constructions fail in general.
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0699.00032.] In this interesting paper the authors show that all natural operators transforming every projectable vector field on a fibered manifold Y into a vector field on its r-th prolongation are the constant multiples of the flow operator. Then they deduce an analogous result for the natural operators transforming every vector field on a manifold M into a vector field on any bundle of contact elements over M.
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