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Primary elements in Prüfer lattices

C. Jayaram — 2002

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we study primary elements in Prüfer lattices and characterize α -lattices in terms of Prüfer lattices. Next we study weak ZPI-lattices and characterize almost principal element lattices and principal element lattices in terms of ZPI-lattices.

Almost π -lattices

C. Jayaram — 2004

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we establish some conditions for an almost π -domain to be a π -domain. Next π -lattices satisfying the union condition on primes are characterized. Using these results, some new characterizations are given for π -rings.

Laskerian lattices

C. Jayaram — 2003

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we investigate prime divisors, B w -primes and z s -primes in C -lattices. Using them some new characterizations are given for compactly packed lattices. Next, we study Noetherian lattices and Laskerian lattices and characterize Laskerian lattices in terms of compactly packed lattices.

Almost Q -rings

C. Jayaram — 2004

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we establish some new characterizations for Q -rings and Noetherian Q -rings.

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