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On weak solutions to the equations of non-stationary motion of heat-conducting incompressible viscous fluids: defect measure and energy equality

Joachim Naumann — 2008

Banach Center Publications

We consider the non-stationary Navier-Stokes equations completed by the equation of conservation of internal energy. The viscosity of the fluid is assumed to depend on the temperature, and the dissipation term is the only heat source in the conservation of internal energy. For the system of PDE's under consideration, we prove the existence of a weak solution such that: 1) the weak form of the conservation of internal energy involves a defect measure, and 2) the equality for the total energy is satisfied....

On general boundary value problems and duality in linear elasticity. I

Rolf HünlichJoachim Naumann — 1978

Aplikace matematiky

The equilibrium state of a deformable body under the action of body forces is described by the well known conditions of equilibrium, the straindisplacement relations, the constitutive law of the linear theory and the boundary conditions. The authors discuss in detail the boundary conditions. The starting point is the general relation between the vectors of stress and displacement on the boundary which can be expressed in terms of a subgradient relation. It is shown that this relation includes as...

On evolution inequalities of a modified Navier-Stokes type. I

Manfred MüllerJoachim Naumann — 1978

Aplikace matematiky

The paper present an existence theorem for a strong solution to an abstract evolution inequality where the properties of the operators involved are motivated by a type of modified Navier-Stokes equations under certain unilateral boundary conditions. The method of proof rests upon a Galerkin type argument combined with the regularization of the functional.

On general boundary value problems and duality in linear elasticity. II

Rolf HünlichJoachim Naumann — 1980

Aplikace matematiky

The present part of the paper completes the discussion in Part I in two directions. Firstly, in Section 5 a number of existence theorems for a solution to Problem III (principle of minimum potential energy) is established. Secondly, Section 6 and 7 are devoted to a discussion of both the classical and the abstract approach to the duality theory as well as the relationship between the solvability of Problem III and its dual one.

On evolution inequalities of a modified Navier-Stokes type. II

Manfred MüllerJoachim Naumann — 1978

Aplikace matematiky

The present part of the paper continues the study of the abstract evolution inequality from the first part. Theorem 1 states the existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to the evolution inequality under consideration. The proof is based on the method of approximation of the weak solution by a sequence of strong solutions. Theorem 2 yields two regularity results for the strong solution.

On the Hölder continuity of weak solutions to nonlinear parabolic systems in two space dimensions

Joachim NaumannJörg WolfMichael Wolff — 1998

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove the interior Hölder continuity of weak solutions to parabolic systems u j t - D α a j α ( x , t , u , u ) = 0 in Q ( j = 1 , ... , N ) ( Q = Ω × ( 0 , T ) , Ω 2 ), where the coefficients a j α ( x , t , u , ξ ) are measurable in x , Hölder continuous in t and Lipschitz continuous in u and ξ .

A second look on definition and equivalent norms of Sobolev spaces

Joachim NaumannChristian G. Simader — 1999

Mathematica Bohemica

Sobolev’s original definition of his spaces L m , p ( Ω ) is revisited. It only assumed that Ω n is a domain. With elementary methods, essentially based on Poincare’s inequality for balls (or cubes), the existence of intermediate derivates of functions u L m , p ( Ω ) with respect to appropriate norms, and equivalence of these norms is proved.

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