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Duality and the Martin compactification

John C. Taylor — 1972

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let be a Bauer sheaf that admits a Green function. Then there exists a diffusion process corresponding to the sheaf whose resolvent possesses a Hunt-Kunita-Watanabe dual resolvent that comes from a diffusion process. If is a Brelot sheaf which possesses an adjoint sheaf * the dual process corresponds to * . The Martin compactification defined by a Brelot sheaf that admits a Green function coincides with a Kunita-Watanabe compactification defined by the dual resolvent.

On the Martin compactification of a bounded Lipschitz domain in a riemannian manifold

John C. Taylor — 1978

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The Martin compactification of a bounded Lipschitz domain D R n is shown to be D for a large class of uniformly elliptic second order partial differential operators on D . Let X be an open Riemannian manifold and let M X be open relatively compact, connected, with Lipschitz boundary. Then M is the Martin compactification of M associated with the restriction to M of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on X . Consequently an open Riemannian manifold X has at most one compactification which is a compact...

The Martin boundaries of equivalent sheaves

John C. Taylor — 1970

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The Martin compactification of X defined by a Brelot sheaf H 1 satisfying proportionality is shown to be the same as for H 2 if the sheaves agree outside a compact set. Minimal points coincide and hence S 1 + and S 2 + are isomorphic topological cones. Nakai’s result on the extension to X of a function harmonic outside a compact set is extended to Bauer’s theory. The connected components of the Martin boundary Δ correspond to the ends of X which are related to direct decomposition of the cone H + .

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