Hankel convolution on distribution spaces with exponential growth
We study the Hankel transformation and Hankel convolution on spaces of distributions with exponential growth.
We study the Hankel transformation and Hankel convolution on spaces of distributions with exponential growth.
In this paper, that is divided in two parts, we study the distributional Dunkl transform on R. In the first part we investigate the Dunkl transform and the Dunkl convolution operators on tempered distributions. We prove that the tempered distributions defining Dunkl convolution operators on the Schwartz space are the elements of , the space of usual convolution operators on . In the second part we define the distributional Dunkl transform by employing the kernel method. We introduce Frechet...
In this paper we study Beurling type distributions in the Hankel setting. We consider the space of Beurling type distributions on having upper bounded support. The Hankel transform and the Hankel convolution are studied on the space . We also establish Paley Wiener type theorems for Hankel transformations of distributions in .
Let be the Zemanian space of Hankel transformable functions, and let be its dual space. In this paper is shown to be nuclear, hence Schwartz, Montel and reflexive. The space , also introduced by Zemanian, is completely characterized as the set of multipliers of and of . Certain topologies are considered on , and continuity properties of the multiplication operation with respect to those topologies are discussed.
In this paper, we study the finite Hankel transformation on spaces of generalized functions by developing a new procedure. We consider two Hankel type integral transformations and connected by the Parseval equation A space of functions and a space of complex sequences are introduced. is an isomorphism from onto when . We propose to define the generalized finite Hankel transform of by
We obtain sharp power-weighted , weak type and restricted weak type inequalities for the heat and Poisson integral maximal operators, Riesz transform and a Littlewood-Paley type square function, emerging naturally in the harmonic analysis related to Bessel operators.
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