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Restricted and quasi-toral restricted Lie-Rinehart algebras

Bing SunLiangyun Chen — 2015

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we introduce the definition of restrictable Lie-Rinehart algebras, the concept of restrictability is by far more tractable than that of a restricted Lie-Rinehart algebra. Moreover, we obtain some properties of p-mappings and restrictable Lie-Rinehart algebras. Finally, we give some sufficient conditions for the commutativity of quasi-toral restricted Lie-Rinehart algebras and study how a quasi-toral restricted Lie-Rinehart algebra with zero center and of minimal dimension should be....

The classification of modular Lie superalgebras of type M

Lili MaLiangyun Chen — 2015

Open Mathematics

The natural filtration of the infinite-dimensional simple modular Lie superalgebra M over a field of characteristic p > 2 is proved to be invariant under automorphisms by discussing ad-nilpotent elements. Moreover, an intrinsic property is obtained and all the infinite-dimensional simple modular Lie superalgebras M are classified up to isomorphisms. As an application, a property of automorphisms of M is given.

Jordan superderivations and Jordan triple superderivations of superalgebras

He YuanLiangyun Chen — 2016

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study Jordan (θ,θ)-superderivations and Jordan triple (θ,θ)-superderivations of superalgebras, using the theory of functional identities in superalgebras. As a consequence, we prove that if A = A₀ ⊕ A₁ is a prime superalgebra with deg(A₁) ≥ 9, then Jordan superderivations and Jordan triple superderivations of A are superderivations of A, and generalized Jordan superderivations and generalized Jordan triple superderivations of A are generalized superderivations of A.

Some properties of the family of modular Lie superalgebras

Xiaoning XuLiangyun Chen — 2013

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we continue to investigate some properties of the family of finite-dimensional simple modular Lie superalgebras which were constructed by X. N. Xu, Y. Z. Zhang, L. Y. Chen (2010). For each algebra in the family, a filtration is defined and proved to be invariant under the automorphism group. Then an intrinsic property is proved by the invariance of the filtration; that is, the integer parameters in the definition of Lie superalgebras are intrinsic. Thereby, we classify these Lie...

Generalized derivations of Lie triple systems

Jia ZhouLiangyun ChenYao Ma — 2016

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we present some basic properties concerning the derivation algebra Der (T), the quasiderivation algebra QDer (T) and the generalized derivation algebra GDer (T) of a Lie triple system T, with the relationship Der (T) ⊆ QDer (T) ⊆ GDer (T) ⊆ End (T). Furthermore, we completely determine those Lie triple systems T with condition QDer (T) = End (T). We also show that the quasiderivations of T can be embedded as derivations in a larger Lie triple system.

Some necessary and sufficient conditions for nilpotent -Lie superalgebras

Baoling GuanLiangyun ChenYao Ma — 2014

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The paper studies nilpotent -Lie superalgebras over a field of characteristic zero. More specifically speaking, we prove Engel’s theorem for -Lie superalgebras which is a generalization of those for -Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras. In addition, as an application of Engel’s theorem, we give some properties of nilpotent -Lie superalgebras and obtain several sufficient conditions for an -Lie superalgebra to be nilpotent by using the notions of the maximal subalgebra, the weak ideal and the...

Non-weight modules over the super Schrödinger algebra

Xinyue WangLiangyun ChenYao Ma — 2024

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We construct a family of non-weight modules which are free -modules of rank 2 over the super Schrödinger algebra in -dimensional spacetime. We determine the isomorphism classes of these modules. In particular, free -modules of rank 2 over are also constructed and classified. Moreover, we obtain the sufficient and necessary conditions for such modules to be simple.

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