The Ryjáček closure is a powerful tool in the study of Hamiltonian properties of claw-free graphs. Because of its usefulness, we may hope to use it in the classes of graphs defined by another forbidden subgraph. In this note, we give a negative answer to this hope, and show that the claw is the only forbidden subgraph that produces non-trivial results on Hamiltonicity by the use of the Ryjáček closure.
In this paper, we consider the least integer d such that every longest cycle of a k-connected graph of order n (and of independent number α) contains all vertices of degree at least d.
An edge of is singular if it does not lie on any triangle of ; otherwise, it is non-singular. A vertex of a graph is called locally connected if the induced subgraph by its neighborhood is connected; otherwise, it is called locally disconnected. In this paper, we prove that if a connected claw-free graph of order at least three satisfies the following two conditions: (i) for each locally disconnected vertex of degree at least in there is a nonnegative integer such that lies...
The line graph of a graph , denoted by , has as its vertex set, where two vertices in are adjacent if and only if the corresponding edges in have a vertex in common. For a graph , define . Let be a 2-connected claw-free simple graph of order with . We show that, if and is sufficiently large, then either is traceable or the Ryjáček’s closure , where is an essentially -edge-connected triangle-free graph that can be contracted to one of the two graphs of order 10 which have...
Let be a graph. Gould and Hynds (1999) showed a well-known characterization of by its line graph that has a 2-factor. In this paper, by defining two operations, we present a characterization for a graph to have a 2-factor in its line graph A graph is called -locally connected if for every vertex
is connected. By applying the new characterization, we prove that every claw-free graph in which every edge lies on a cycle of length at most five and in which every vertex...
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