There exist two main methods for computing a surface evolution, level-set method and Lagrangian method. Redistribution of points is a crucial element in a Lagrangian approach. In this paper we present a point redistribution that compress quads in the areas with a high Gaussian curvature. Numerical method is presented for a mean curvature flow of a surface approximated by quads.
The Equadiff is a series of biannual conferences on mathematical analysis, numerical approximation and applications of differential equations. Proceedings of Equadiff 2017 Conference contain peer-reviewed contributions of participants of the conference. The proceedings cover a wide range of topics presented by plenary, minisymposia and contributed talks speakers. The scope of papers ranges from ordinary differential equations, differential inclusions and dynamical systems towards qualitative and...
This paper presents and summarize our results concerning the nonlinear tensor diffusion which enhances image structure coherence. The core of the paper comes from [3, 2, 4, 5]. First we briefly describe the diffusion model and provide its basic properties. Further we build a semi-implicit finite volume scheme for the above mentioned model with the help of a co-volume mesh. This strategy is well-known as diamond-cell method owing to the choice of co-volume as a diamondshaped polygon, see [1]. We...
In this article, we present a mathematical model and numerical method for surface reconstruction from 3D point cloud data, using the level-set method. The presented method solves surface reconstruction by the computation of the distance function to the shape, represented by the point cloud, using the so called Fast Sweeping Method, and the solution of advection equation with curvature term, which creates the evolution of an initial condition to the final state. A crucial point for efficiency is...
We show stability and consistency of the linear semi-implicit complementary volume numerical scheme for solving the regularized, in the sense of Evans and Spruck, mean curvature flow equation in the level set formulation. The numerical method is based on the finite volume methodology using the so-called complementary volumes to a finite element triangulation. The scheme gives the solution in an efficient and unconditionally stable way.
In this paper, we describe an efficient method for 3D image segmentation. The method uses a PDE model – the so called generalized subjective surface equation which is an equation of advection-diffusion type. The main goal is to develop an efficient and stable numerical method for solving this problem. The numerical solution is based on semi-implicit time discretization and flux-based level set finite volume space discretization. The space discretization is discussed in details and we introduce three...
The paper presents the solution to the geodetic boundary value problem by the finite element method in area of Slovak Republic. Generally, we have made two numerical experiments. In the first one, Neumann BC in the form of gravity disturbances generated from EGM-96 is used and the solution is verified by the quasigeoidal heights generated directly from EGM-96. In the second one, Neumann BC is computed from gravity measurements and the solution is compared to the quasigeoidal heights obtained by...
We develop a method for counting number of cells and extraction of approximate cell centers in 2D and 3D images of early stages of the zebra-fish embryogenesis. The approximate cell centers give us the starting points for the subjective surface based cell segmentation. We move in the inner normal direction all level sets of nuclei and membranes images by a constant speed with slight regularization of this flow by the (mean) curvature. Such multi- scale evolutionary process is represented by a geometrical...
We develop gradient schemes for the approximation of the Perona-Malik equations and nonlinear tensor-diffusion equations. We prove the convergence of these methods to the weak solutions of the corresponding nonlinear PDEs. A particular gradient scheme on rectangular meshes is then studied numerically with respect to experimental order of convergence which shows its second order accuracy. We present also numerical experiments related to image filtering by time-delayed Perona-Malik and tensor diffusion...
We present a method for the generation of a pure quad mesh approximating a discrete manifold of arbitrary topology that preserves the patch layout characterizing the intrinsic object structure. A three-step procedure constitutes the core of our approach which first extracts the patch layout of the object by a topological partitioning of the digital shape, then computes the minimal surface given by the boundaries of the patch layout (basic quad layout) and then evolves it towards the object boundaries....
In this paper, we introduce a set of methods for processing and analyzing long time series of 3D images representing embryo evolution. The images are obtained by in vivo scanning using a confocal microscope where one of the channels represents the cell nuclei and the other one the cell membranes. Our image processing chain consists of three steps: image filtering, object counting (center detection) and segmentation. The corresponding methods are based on numerical solution of nonlinear PDEs, namely...
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