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Cauchy problem for the non-newtonian viscous incompressible fluid

Milan Pokorný — 1996

Applications of Mathematics

We study the Cauchy problem for the non-Newtonian incompressible fluid with the viscous part of the stress tensor τ V ( 𝕖 ) = τ ( 𝕖 ) - 2 μ 1 Δ 𝕖 , where the nonlinear function τ ( 𝕖 ) satisfies τ i j ( 𝕖 ) e i j c | 𝕖 | p or τ i j ( 𝕖 ) e i j c ( | 𝕖 | 2 + | 𝕖 | p ) . First, the model for the bipolar fluid is studied and existence, uniqueness and regularity of the weak solution is proved for p > 1 for both models. Then, under vanishing higher viscosity μ 1 , the Cauchy problem for the monopolar fluid is considered. For the first model the existence of the weak solution is proved for p > 3 n n + 2 , its uniqueness and...

On the local strong solutions for a system describing the flow of a viscoelastic fluid

Ondřej KremlMilan Pokorný — 2009

Banach Center Publications

We consider a model for the viscoelastic fluid which has recently been studied in [4] and [1]. We show the local-in-time existence of a strong solution to the corresponding system of partial differential equations under less regularity assumptions on the initial data than in the above mentioned papers. The main difference in our approach is the use of the L p theory for the Stokes system.

Interaktívne aplikácie pre výučbu sčítania a odčítania

Milan PokornýDušan Holý — 2019

Učitel matematiky

Článok sa zaoberá efektívnou integráciou moderných technológií do vzdelávacieho procesu na prvom stupni základných škôl. Autori článku charakterizujú interaktívne aplikácie, ktoré sú primárne určené na nácvik sčítania a odčítania. Tieto aplikácie, ktoré sú vhodné najmä pre žiakov prvého a druhého ročníka základnej školy, môžu byť využívané počas vyučovacích hodín matematiky v kombinácii s interaktívnou tabuľou, ale najmä pre samostatnú prácu žiakov, či už v rámci vyučovacích hodín, školských klubov...

Steady plane flow of viscoelastic fluid past an obstacle

Antonín NovotnýMilan Pokorný — 2002

Applications of Mathematics

We consider the steady plane flow of certain classes of viscoelastic fluids in exterior domains with a non-zero velocity prescribed at infinity. We study existence as well as asymptotic behaviour of solutions near infinity and show that for sufficiently small data the solution decays near infinity as fast as the fundamental solution to the Oseen problem.

Steady compressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier system in two space dimensions

Petra PecharováMilan Pokorný — 2010

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study steady flow of a compressible heat conducting viscous fluid in a bounded two-dimensional domain, described by the Navier-Stokes-Fourier system. We assume that the pressure is given by the constitutive equation p ( ρ , θ ) ρ γ + ρ θ , where ρ is the density and θ is the temperature. For γ > 2 , we prove existence of a weak solution to these equations without any assumption on the smallness of the data. The proof uses special approximation of the original problem, which guarantees the pointwise boundedness of the...

Weak solutions for steady compressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier system in two space dimensions

Antonín NovotnýMilan Pokorný — 2011

Applications of Mathematics

We consider steady compressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier system in a bounded two-dimensional domain. We show the existence of a weak solution for arbitrarily large data for the pressure law p ( ϱ , ϑ ) ϱ γ + ϱ ϑ if γ > 1 and p ( ϱ , ϑ ) ϱ ln α ( 1 + ϱ ) + ϱ ϑ if γ = 1 , α > 0 , depending on the model for the heat flux.

Remarks on D -integral complete multipartite graphs

Pavel HícMilan Pokorný — 2016

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A graph is called distance integral (or D -integral) if all eigenvalues of its distance matrix are integers. In their study of D -integral complete multipartite graphs, Yang and Wang (2015) posed two questions on the existence of such graphs. We resolve these questions and present some further results on D -integral complete multipartite graphs. We give the first known distance integral complete multipartite graphs K p 1 , p 2 , p 3 with p 1 < p 2 < p 3 , and K p 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 with p 1 < p 2 < p 3 < p 4 , as well as the infinite classes of distance integral complete...

A counterexample to the smoothness of the solution to an equation arising in fluid mechanics

Stephen Montgomery-SmithMilan Pokorný — 2002

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We analyze the equation coming from the Eulerian-Lagrangian description of fluids. We discuss a couple of ways to extend this notion to viscous fluids. The main focus of this paper is to discuss the first way, due to Constantin. We show that this description can only work for short times, after which the ``back to coordinates map'' may have no smooth inverse. Then we briefly discuss a second way that uses Brownian motion. We use this to provide a plausibility argument for the global regularity for...

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