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Optional splitting formula in a progressively enlarged filtration

Shiqi Song — 2014

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Let 𝔽 F be a filtration andbe a random time. Let 𝔾 G be the progressive enlargement of 𝔽 F with. We study the following formula, called the optional splitting formula: For any 𝔾 G-optional process, there exists an 𝔽 F-optional process and a function defined on [0∞] × (ℝ × ) being [ 0 , ] 𝒪 ( 𝔽 ) ℬ[0,∞]⊗x1d4aa;(F) measurable, such that Y = Y ' 1 [ 0 , τ ) + Y ' ' ( τ ) 1 [ τ , ) . Y=Y′1[0,τ)+Y′′(τ)1[τ,∞). (This formula can also be formulated for multiple random times ...

Spectral gaps and exponential integrability of hitting times for linear diffusions

Oleg LoukianovDasha LoukianovaShiqi Song — 2011

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let be a regular continuous positively recurrent Markov process with state space ℝ, scale function and speed measure . For ∈ℝ denote +=sup≥ (], +∞[)(()−()), −=sup≤ (]−∞; [)(()−()). It is well known that the finiteness of ± is equivalent to the existence of spectral gaps of generators associated with . We show how these quantities appear independently in the study of the exponential moments of hitting times of . Then...

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